Act Now - stop the BNP: National Conference

Saturday 26 February 2005
9.30am - 5.30pm, TUC, Congress House,
Great Russell Street, London WC1

The British National Party (BNP) has already announced that it will be standing in 100 constituencies at the forthcoming general election. The BNP's aim is to increase its presence around the country, particularly targetting areas where they received a high vote in the European and London elections in 2004 and where they have local councillors. Unite Against Fascism has called a one-day conference to discuss strategies for campaigning against the BNP.

Now is a critical time for the anti-fascist majority which opposes the BNP and its politics of hate, to act! In 2004 the BNP achieved mass electoral support, receiving the highest votes ever for a fascist party in Britain: over 800,000 votes in the European elections and over 90,000 votes in the London elections. They now also hold 22 local council seats.

Although the BNP did not get elected to the European Parliament or London Assembly, they fell only narrowly short of the necessary votes. The BNP's vote trend continues upwards and their results in 2004 indicate that they are on the verge of making a breakthrough into national politics if this continues.

To stop the BNP making a national breakthrough will require a concerted and increased campaign. With your help we can stop this breakthrough before it happens. Campaigning has raised awareness and denied them breakthroughs in some of their target areas. However, the BNP will be organising into the general election hoping to build on their increased share of the vote in 2004.

Unite Against Fascism is organising this conference to bring together the different sections of society that oppose fascism and the BNP, including the anti-racist and anti-fascist movement, trade unions, black organisations, faith communities, disability rights and lesbian and gay organisations and all others. The conference will discuss why the BNP's vote has grown, what strategies are needed to halt the BNP's advance and set the scene for united campaigning against the BNP into the general election.

This conference is sponsored by TUC, CWU and SERTUC

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