Jean Lambert Calls for More Transparent EU Decision Making

To encourage further MEP involvement Jean and the other party leaders have put forward a Written Declaration.

Please encourage your MEP to sign this declaration at the next Parliamentary Session!

The UK MEPs who took part in the joint press conference : Gary Titley (PES), Chris Davies (ALDE),Nigel Farage (I/D), Jean Lambert (Green) and Timothy Kirkhope (EPP-ED). Photo: European Parliament


British MEPs challenge Blair to reform secretive Council meetings

On 6th September, a group of leading British MEPs from the European Parliament's main political groups called on the UK Presidency of the EU to initiate reform that would bring out into the open the secretive decision-making process in the Council of Ministers. At a joint press conference in the European Parliament, the MEPs called on Tony Blair's Presidency to convince the Council to meet in public when debating new EU legislation. 

Jean Lambert, vice-president of the Greens/EFA group, said:

"We want greater transparency on debates as well as votes. Through interplay and through hearing debate, people can understand why certain things happen. If the Council is serious about trying to connect with European public, citizens need to be able to understand why certain decisions are made – as well as who is making those decisions – rather than being presented with a 'fait accompli'. The Council is, after all, a key legislative body, and needs as much scrutiny directed towards it as the Parliament and Commission."