Jean Lambert, Green Party MEP for London, condemned David Blunkett's new proposals on asylum as lacking dignity and compassion.

"His language is all about containment, speed, reporting and removal," said Ms. Lambert, spokesperson on asylum and immigration issues for the Green/EFA Group in the European Parliament.

"The Home Secretary failed to say anything about improving the quality of decision-making, providing adequate financial means for asylum seekers to meet their duty to report as required or how they will have access to bank accounts for the eventual credit transfers he mentioned."

" I am also very worried about reducing the opportunity for appeal when we know that some of the decision-makers can't tell one country from another and where you can be refused asylum status because you were shot in the leg and not killed, as one refusal letter has stated. Improving quality is essential - where is the commitment to that?," demanded Ms. Lambert.

Jean Lambert did welcome the news that Mr. Blunkett will be adopting a more flexible immigration policy but she feels that he is not being flexible enough. "There is a need for workers of all skill levels, not just the highly skilled," Ms. Lambert said. "However, at least today's announcement on immigration might open a small window for young people like those I met on my recent visit to the Sangatte centre for asylum seekers near Calais. Those we met there are desperate to learn and to contribute. We have to give opportunities to such committed people."


Note: Jean Lambert is a member of the European Parliament's Employment and Social Affairs Committee and wrote the Committee's response to the EU Common Immigration Policy. She is also a deputy member of the Parliament's Home Affairs' Committee and is the spokesperson on Immigration and Asylum issues for the Green Group/European Free Alliance in the Parliament. She visited the Sangatte centre last month, with a group of French MEPs from her Group.