From the office of the Green MEPs

8th February 2002


North London's Green MEP, Jean Lambert, will be visiting community projects in the boroughs of Camden, Hackney and Haringey this week as she begins an investigation on behalf of the Civil Liberties Committee in the European Parliament. She is preparing a report aimed at guaranteeing
humane treatment for refugees and asylum seekers across Europe.

Jean is an acknowledged expert in the field of asylum and refugees, and will be visiting a number of small schemes across London to develop a better understanding of the problems faced by these communities.

Jean Lambert said, "London has traditionally been a city for refugees and those seeking asylum. Indeed its wonderful cultural diversity is testimony to that. However the current arrangements for asylum seekers in this country are inadequate. In these circumstances each scheme that helps
however few is invaluable. I am looking forward to being inspired by these projects and aim to gather information for inclusion in my report."

Jean's report is likely to be presented to the European Parliament in June of this year. On the way, its contents will be examined by governments across Europe who will need to negotiate with the Parliament to secure agreement for their plans. In particular, the Labour Government will be interested in the report as their own draft proposals for reform to the asylum system in this country is coming under increased scrutiny.

Jean Lambert said: " I believe it is part of my job as a Green Euro-MP to ensure that the EU takes account of those, like asylum seekers and refugees, who can find themselves pushed to the margins of society."


For more information please contact Steve Rackett on 0776 997 0691 or 020 7407 6280

(1) Jean's visits will include the following schemes:

7 HACKNEY: Turkish / Kurdish Community Centre, 92-100 Stoke Newington Road, N16, 10am, Tuesday 11 Feb

7 HARINGEY: Europe Roma Society, Chestnuts Community Centre, 26-38 Queensland Road, N7, 2pm, Tues 11 Feb

7 CAMDEN: Bosnia Refugee Information Centre Kosavar Support, West Hampstead Community Centre, 60-62 Mill Lane, NW6 1NJ. 2pm, Weds 12 Feb

(2) "Council Directive on minimum standards for the qualification and status of third country nationals and stateless persons as refugees or as persons who otherwise need international protection" Jean is 'Rapporteur' for the Civil Liberties Committee of the Parliament and will be drafting the committee's response on the Council Directive.