From Jean Lambert, London's Green MEP

3rd July 2002


And Tony Blair has once again shown how out of touch he is - both in the UK and in Europe.

Consumers' freedom to reject genetically modified food was upheld today when the European Parliament in Strasbourg voted to impose strict new labelling rules on the GM industry.

Green MEP for London, Jean Lambert, welcomed the decision on two European Commission proposals on the authorisation, traceability and labelling of GM food, animal feed and organisms. These regulations will mean greater freedom to choose and the right to know exactly what we are eating.

The vote will be seen as a major blow to the Blair government and its friends in the biotech industry, which had instructed Labour MEPs to reject the proposals.

Today's decision means all GM food and feed products must be labelled, regardless of whether they contain genetically modified DNA or not. Thus in future, products such as sugar and highly refined oils produced from GMOs will have to be labelled.

No unauthorised GMOs must be present in any food or feed - despite the Commission originally recommending to allow up to one per cent contamination by such organisms.

Labelling will be mandatory where food contains more than 0.5 per cent GM-derived ingredients, and this will be reviewed as and when technology allows.

The Parliament's rejection of GM-free labelling is also a slap in the face for the Food Standards Agency, which has been promoting this idea. GM-free labelling might sound good in theory, but in practice it would mean shifting the burden and cost of proof away from GM producers to non-GM producers who then have to demonstrate that their products do not contain GM ingredients.

Green Group amendments placing the responsibility for GM contamination with GM growers and producers - not their victims - were also adopted. This is in line with the 'polluter pays' principle and will require the biotech industry to introduce anti-contamination measures.

Jean said: "Today's vote is great news for consumers and a strong endorsement of both public opinion and Green Party policy. The people of Europe do not want watered down rules on GMOs and I hope that the Council takes this into consideration before their second reading later in the year."


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