West Papua campaign launched at UN

Jean Lambert MEP signs Parliamentary motion on the UN's monitoring in Indonesia.

September 2002

Jean Lambert MEP has agreed to sign a European Parliamentary motion on the UN's monitoring in Indonesia. The motion was circulated by Proinsias de Rossa MEP for MEPs to sign. TAPOL, the Indonesia Human Rights Campaign, is one of the organisations supporting the motion

Read their article: http://tapol.gn.apc.org/166-7west.htm.

The motion read:

"In light of the European Commission's Report of the EC Conflict Prevention Assessment Mission: Indonesia, March 2002, on unrest in West Papua, and specifically its conclusion on Page 64 where it states:

"the Act of Free Choice' (1968-69)...was never more than a farce. A grand total of 1,025 Papuans, all selected by the Indonesian authorities were permitted to vote -with virtually no UN monitoring -on the future of West Papua's 800,000 inhabitants. Not too surprisingly, they unanimously voted to remain in Indonesia..."

we urge the United-Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan to instigate an immediate review of the UN's conduct in relation to the "Act of Free Choice" and the role of this Act in contributing to the ongoing unrest and conflict in West Papua.
