29th October 2002


A new review of energy use will show how England could aspire to world leadership in the field of non-nuclear renewable energy - improving quality of life, abolishing fuel poverty, creating sustainable jobs, and reducing the health and environmental costs of nuclear and fossil-fuel energy production.

The Green Party Alternative Energy Review, launched today, will broaden out the energy debate after two UK government energy reviews this year have failed to ask the right questions about energy use.

Submissions are sought from businesses, groups, university departments and individuals throughout all the English regions.

Jean Lambert, London's Green MEP, and Darren Johnson, Principal Speaker for the Green Party, launched the review.

Green energy revolution will bring jobs boom, business opportunities, address nuclear health risks Jean Lambert MEP pointed out the economic benefits of non-nuclear renewable energy: "Non-nuclear renewables are known to sustain more jobs per unit of power than either nuclear or fossil fuel energy," she said (1).

"There are all sorts of business opportunities waiting to be created, ranging from big offshore windfarms to local suppliers of solar panelling.

"Domestic energy conservation measures alone could create thousands of jobs nationwide, while cutting most people's fuel bills and helping eradicate fuel poverty."

Greens seek views of businesses, universities, NGOs and individuals Jean Lambert explained the need for the new review: "The Blair government has had two energy reviews this year, both of which have been too narrow and too pro-nuclear. They've only concerned energy supply, but we should be asking all sorts of questions about energy conservation too."

National organisations including Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace and the Association for the Conservation of Energy will be making submissions to the review. But the Greens are urging relevant local businesses, university departments and other organisations to make submissions too.

Jean Lambert MEP concluded:

"This is a chance for everyone to spell out their vision for energy in Britain in the future. The Greens will take the review's findings into the next European and parliamentary elections, and will fight for those policies."

Submissions to the review should be sent to:

The Green Party
1a Waterlow Road
N19 5NJ

The review will have its UK launch at 10.00 a.m. on 29 October at Solar Century, 91-94 Lower Marsh, Waterloo, London SE1 7AB, where the latest solar photovoltaic technology is on display. The launch will be led by Green MEP Jean Lambert and Darren Johnson, leader of the Greens on the London Assembly.


1. See Best of Both Worlds: Policies for job-creation AND sustainability,

Further information: call the Green Party press offices on 020 7561 0282 or 0161 225 4863