Norwich Green Party Press Contact:
Adrian Ramsay
01603 503607

6th February

Green Euro-MP Joins GM-Free Norfolk Campaign

Norwich Green Party has thrown its weight behind the GM-Free Norfolk campaign of Friends of the Earth.

Green Party Euro-MP Jean Lambert will join Green Party Councillors and members in Norwich on Friday 7th February as they launch a petition in support of the campaign to make Norfolk GM-Free.

There will be a photo opportunity on Friday 7th February at 5:15pm in front of Norfolk County Hall, Martineau Lane, when the Greens will be launching their petition to the County Council. Green Party Councillors and members will be present, with Jean Lambert MEP and Friends of the Earth's GM-Free campaign co-ordinator Bob Gledhill.

Councillor Steve Land, Green Party City Councillor for Henderson Ward, said: "The Green Party has been campaigning against all genetic modification of food since GMOs were first introduced over ten years ago. Public feeling is still very strong on this issue. The Green Group on Norwich City Council will be doing all it can to promote the campaign for a GM-Free Norfolk and I will be helping with the petition.

"Our key argument is that the potential damage to the environment and to our health will not be known until it is too late. It is therefore indefensible that local school children and the local environment are used for trials. I call upon the County Council to do all it can to make Norfolk GM-Free and send a strong message to the Government that GM technology is unnecessary, dangerous and wrong."


1. Norwich Friends of the Earth and Norwich Green Party are both collecting signatures for a petition calling upon Norfolk County Council to make Norfolk GM-Free by: · Ensuring that no GM crop trials are conducted on Council land · Ensuring that no Council services use GM products, including school meals.

2. Green Party MEP Jean Lambert will be speaking at an anti-war rally at UEA (Lecture Theatre 2) at 6pm on Friday 7th February. The other speakers are David Seddon (Professor of Development Studies), Bishir Faris (Iraqi economist) and Father John Shannon (Catholic Priest). This rally is open to the UEA and Norwich public and the media and will call upon people to attend the anti-war demonstration in London on 15th February.

3. Photos of Jean Lambert and Steve Land are available on request from media@norwichgreenparty.org

Office of Green Euro-MP Jean Lambert: 020 7407 6269; jeanlambert@greenmeps.org.uk

Norwich Green Party Press Contact: Adrian Ramsay: (01603) 503607; media@norwichgreenparty.org

Green Party City Councillor for Henderson Ward: Steve Land: (01603) 505207/ 212969; steve.land@norwichgreenparty.org