From the office of the Green MEPs

24 June, 2003


GREEN Euro-MP Jean Lambert has called for an investigation into Government attempts to weaken a EU directive which prohibits workplace discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation.

The Employment And Work Conditions Directive (2000) banned workplace discrimination unless the difference on which the different treatment was based was a 'genuine and detrmining occupational requirement'.

But Government proposals to enshrine this exception into UK law will create a loophole allowing any religious organisation to discriminate against employing homosexuals in any role at all, Mrs Lambert has warned.

"The Government's current proposals will create an enormous loophole which is likely to enshrine homophobic recruitment practice in a whole sector of our society," said the London MEP, who is a member of both the Employment and Social Affairs and the Civil Liberties Committees at the European Parliament.

"As they stand any religious group will be allowed to refuse employment to homosexuals - whether the vacancy is for Bishop of Reading, secretary at a local parish office or even a caretaker at a Church of England school.

"Worse - the proposals will put the onus on the the employee to defend their sexual orientation in an employment tribunal rather than force the employer to defend their decision to discriminate against a particular employee."

Mrs Lambert has written to the European Commission, which is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the directive into UK law, asking for an investigation into the validity of the UK loophole.

She added: "Surely what really counts is your ability to do your job: what you do in your bedroom is not your employers business.

"Given that we have legislation which already covers inappropriate sexual behaviour at work, I don't see any need to further enshrine the right of employers - whoever they are - to discriminate against homosexuals."


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