From the office of the Green MEPs

August 29, 2003


A report being launched today is attacking the government for its handling of women trafficked into the UK. The report finds that trafficking of women for sexual exploitation into London is on the increase and needs to be addressed urgently.


The report provides recommendations from a conference that brought together representatives from the Police, Home Office, policy makers from the Greater London Authority, the Government and the European Union as well as organisations working directly with victims. The conference was co-hosted by Green Deputy Mayor for London Jenny Jones and Jean Lambert, Green MEP for London.

Jenny Jones said, "It is ironic that the government is today patting itself on the back for reducing numbers of asylum seekers whilst it allows this scandalous trade to flourish. The UK government needs to take immediate action to stop these women being treated as sexual slaves. We need to look at what other cities across Europe are doing and why they are producing more convictions of the real criminals, the traffickers, than we are in the UK."

Criminal gangs often use coercion and deception to bring women to London illegally. The high profit, low risk nature of the crime attracts organised criminals and the Metropolitan Police are certain that London is the principal target area for these groups. In Soho alone, police estimate that 80% of the women working in the sex industry are from outside the UK.

Jean Lambert, Green MEP said,"Human trafficking for sexual purposes is a plague for this century, characterised by a complete disregard for human welfare. Its victims, mostly women and children, are identified by UK law as illegal immigrants rather than victims of crime. This approach only serves the interests of the criminals. We must, as a nation, revolutionise our thinking on stopping this evil trade, and this must echo throughout our legal system."

Summary of conference recommendations:

* Human trafficking for sexual purposes is a global and organised crime: not an immigration problem. The Government should recognise this and the vulnerability of the victims throughout UK law. There needs to be clear judicial division between illegal immigration and human trafficking throughout law, policy and practice.

* As a first step, victims should be offered a 3- month period to consider their position. Temporary residence, legal advice and safe havens should then be made available to those able to participate in further enquiries. It is only when the UK signs up to the EU Directive on Short Term residents permits that we will be able to work in partnership with our European neighbours.

* The Home Office Pilot Project in Lambeth, administered by EAVES Housing for Women, has been unable to offer victims the support they need because the inflexible nature of the entry criteria. Projects such as this should be permanently funded and rolled out across the UK.

* Support to victims should be provided by a partnership of police, social services and NGOs with the immigration service playing an advisory role.

* Finally, the Government should take greater measures to prevent young asylum seekers entering the UK becoming entrapped by organised criminals.



The conference 'Silent Slavery: Stop the trafficking of women and children for sexual exploitation in London' was held on Friday 20 June at City Hall.


Jenny Jones is a Green Party Member of the London Assembly. She is also a member of the Metropolitan Police Authority where she has raised this issue as well as having accompanied the vice squad on a brothel raid to see firsthand how the victims of trafficking are treated by the police and Immigration Service.

Speakers at the conference include:

* Assistant Commissioner Tarique Ghaffur - Metropolitan Police Service
* Rob Coster - Dutch Police National Co-coordinator on Trafficking
* Patsy Sorenson MEP - EU specialist on Trafficking
* Denise Marshall - Director, EAVES Housing for women
* Carron Somerset - ECPAT UK Working with Trafficked Children


For more information please contact Ben Duncan on 020 7407 6280, 07973 823358 or at or GLA Green Group press officer Nana Serwa Mancell on 020 7983 4964 or 07810 156886