From the office of the Green MEPs

29 January, 2004


LONDON'S Green Euro-MP has given a cautious welcome to new EU-wide rules on public procurement - but said the directive endorsed by an overwhelming majority of MEPs today was a missed opportunity to join up EU policy on sustainable development.

Mrs Lambert said: "This directive is a much-needed improvement on the rules currently in place, especially on ensuring the rights of disabled people are respected in public spending decisions.

"But it doesn't go far enough on social, environmental or fair trade issues, and given that public procurement accounts for 14 per cent of the EU's GDP - and that it is public money being spent - that's a missed opportunity."

Mrs Lambert, who is a member of the European Parliament's civil liberties committee, added: "A huge opportunity to promote green procurement has been missed. The new directive is rather ambiguous, so it will be up to London boroughs to explore how far they can apply ecological and social criteria to their procurement procedures.

"Public procurement is funded with citizens' money, and Londoners have the right to ensure that their money is spent supporting sustainable development, which, as they know, contributes to the quality of their life - and the life of their children." The directive was adopted which was endorsed by a large majority of MEPs (414 yes, 23 no, 29 abstentions).


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