From the office of the Green MEPs

10 March, 2004



ANOTHER skirmish in the fight for freedom of movement for EU citizens has been won today as MEPs voted to extend it within the EU.

The good news is that freedom of movement is to be extended to the registered partners of those moving to other countries within the EU. However, the bad news is that this only applies if the country in question has similar laws to the person's country of origin.

Jean Lambert London's Green Euro-MP speaking at the debate in the European Parliament said: "I welcome the extension of freedom of movement to registered partners. But this is certainly is not the end of the fight in terms of free movement for European citizens and their long-term partners. This raises the controversial issue of family definitions particularly because social security systems in Member States already recognise different kinds of stable relationships.

Reacting to the vote the London Green MEP said: "Today's decision is a step in the right direction but we still have a long way to go to ensure that everyone's right to move freely within the EU is respected. Freedom of movement in the EU is of central importance and it is bizarre that ball bearings or municipal waste can move with greater ease within the EU than
its citizens can.

"The common position on freedom of movement seems to grant this right with one hand only to add an enormous set of qualifications to that right with the other.

"If we are to respect the rights of those in other relationships which are not considered as falling into the 'registered partners' definition - more must be done to include long term partners."

Jean Lambert will be speaking at the Green Party Conference this Saturday, 13th March, on the subject of gay rights at a public meeting with Peter Tachell* among others. This will take place at Hove Town Tall between 6.30 and 8.00pm. The public are welcome to attend and admission to this session is free.

The MEP previewed her speech saying: "I will be addressing the questions faced by the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual community at the meeting including the new rights at work coming in to force as a result of EU law."

For more information please contact Katy Randles on 020 7407 6280 or at

Notes to Editors

- The Green Party Conference runs from Thursday 11th March to Sunday 14th March and takes place at Hove Town Hall, Norton Road, Hove.

- Some areas are open to the public but most sessions require either a
member or observer ticket.

- For more information about the conference please contact the Green Party
helpline 0845 456 0277 or visit

- *Peter Tachell is an equality and human rights campaigner and will be speaking to the conference meeting on Saturday 13th March on the subject of "Sexual Equalilty and Human Rights" following the public meeting. Admission to his talk is also free.