From the office of the Green MEPs

10 March, 2003


The EU must take a tougher stance on its relations with the US over the detention of Guantanamo Bay prisoners - Green Euro-MP Jean Lambert said today.

She insisted: "The EU must stand up for human rights and end the detention of Guantanamo Bay prisoners if it truly stands for human rights and upholds international law ".

In the European Parliament, Green Euro-MPs strongly argued today against the US's ongoing illegal imprisonment of those who they claim are suspected Taliban and Al-Qaeda fighters at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. During a debate in Strasbourg, they called on the EU to stand up for international humanitarian law and force the US to either charge the detainees or release them.

Jean Lambert, speaking after yesterday's European Parliament debate said: "The release of some of the UK detainees is a welcome start, but who is defending the interests of the remaining detainees? Some have been transferred to the base without any known connection with Afghanistan. The United States has deliberately created a legal limbo at Guantanamo Bay, which, in effect, gives a green light for other regimes to detain and conduct 'torture-like' activities. This is a profoundly serious step backwards for the world. We must agree to respect the rule of law even when it is inconvenient for us."

Mrs Lambert will be chairing a debate at the Green Party conference in Hove on Friday 12th March at 7.45pm on 'Terror, civil liberties an democracy'. Stephen Jakobi from Fair Trials Abroad and Gerard Rosenburg from Our World our Say will also be contributing to the debate.

For more information please contact Katy Randles on 020 7407 6280, or 07814 587 365 or at Please call 020 7561 0282 between Thursday 11th March to Sunday 14th March.

Notes to Editors
- The Green Party Conference runs from Thursday 11th March to Sunday 14th March and takes place at Hove Town Hall, Norton Road, Hove. For more information about the conference please contact the Green Party helpline 0845 456 0277 or visit - Some areas are open to the public but most sessions require either a member or observer ticket.