From the office of the Green MEPs

28 June, 2004


Euro-MP calls on President Uribe to support human rights organisations

LONDON Green Party MEP Jean Lambert has today called upon the Colombian President to publicly declare his support for the vital work of international organisations in the war-torn country.

Mrs Lambert, recently re-elected as London's Green Party Euro-MP with an increased share of the vote said:

"I am very concerned by recent comments made by President Uribe - suggesting that international human rights organisations have been obstructing justice in the country.

"Through their presence, these organisations have helped to protect the rights of civilians in many communities, including San Josi de Apartads, which has suffered numerous massacres, forced disappearances and other human rights violations.

"It is of great importance that organisations such as Peace Brigades International (PBI) have full governmental support to continue their work."

Concerns were heightened following reports of PBI volunteers being interrogated by the Colombian authorities on June 2, 2004.

Mrs Lambert has also asked President Uribe to ensure that his Vice President re-affirms the letter of support granted to PBI in 1994, and to send clear instructions to civilian and military officials in the Urab` region to support the work of international organisations, citing the Fellowship of Reconciliation, Nuevo Navarro Futuro and PBI.

Mrs Lambert, who is a member of the European Parliament's Civil Liberties Committee said: "International human rights organisations must be allowed to continue operate in San Josi de Apartads as ordered by Colombia's own Constitutional Court.

"It is a worrying development that the President is publicly questioning their motivation and placing them at risk in doing so."


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