PRESS RELEASE – 27 January 2005

Remembering the holocaust:

A time for finding answers to new forms of racism and anti-Semitism


The European Parliament strongly and by a very large majority condemned the holocaust today in a resolution on anti-Semitism and racism. The Greens/EFA Group is pleased that MEPs approved a text that exceeded simple commemorative language and gave a political dimension to the Parliament's standpoint.


The resolution asks that the lessons learnt from the holocaust are used in the fight against the resurgence of racism and anti-Semitism in Europe, and against revisionism and denial. MEPs are in favour of intercultural dialogue and stress the importance of education, particularly with respect to new generations.


Following a request by the Greens/EFA Group, Parliament asked the Luxembourg Presidency to do everything possible to facilitate the urgent adoption of a framework decision on racism and xenophobia, which has been blocked in the Council since 2001. The Greens/EFA Group also asked for a revision of the Directive on equal treatment between persons without racial or ethnic distinction.


Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Co-President of the Greens/EFA Group, said:


"There are a number of occasions where citizens from occupied countries were complicit in the Nazi's policies for exterminating Jews. The people of Europe must undergo more self-analysis and self-criticism to come to terms with this. We also need to find ways to tackle the new forms of anti-Semitism which are fuelled – although not justified – by the conflict in the Middle East."


Monica Frassoni, Greens/EFA Co-President, added:


"It is essential to remember that the foundation of European integration lies on the principle of 'never again' and on the reconciliation between Europe's citizens and nations. This message retains its power 60 years after the end of the Nazi atrocities because it is the European people that must continue to build a multicultural Europe based on democracy, tolerance and the respect of diversities – together."


Jean Lambert Green MEP for the UK concluded:


"Anti-Semitism, racism and faith-based hatred are still a real and present danger. Current press coverage of the Roma and asylum seekers in Britain sometimes reads like the coverage of Jews fleeing Hitler to find sanctuary in the UK – full of vilification and hostility. Politicians have a responsibility to lead a positive debate, not roll-over in the face of racism."



Press service of the Greens/EFA group
in the European Parliament
Damian Connon
Tel:    +32 2 284 16 67 (Brussels)
          +33 3 881 74 37 5 (Strasbourg)
GSM: +32 472 21 57 95
Fax:    +32 2 284 49 44
Office: PHS 2C037, Rue Wiertz, B-1047 Brussels