Jean Lambert, Green MEP for London, will ask "What Good will the Olympic Games do East Londoners?" this Thursday at a public meeting.

Thursday 10 February 2005, 7:30pm
Friends Meeting Place, 1a Jewel Road, Walthamstow, London, E17

Mrs Lambert will join three other speakers; Ruth Litherland, Annie Chipchase and a representative from the Marshgate Lane Business Community to expose some of the hype behind the bid and what it will really mean for people in Waltham Forest, Newham and Hackney.

She will point out that if the bid is successful, the environmental and social impact will be enormous and will have repercussions that last long after the three weeks of games are over.

She will say; "This is Big Bang regeneration at its worst. The East End needs regeneration on a much smaller scale, which is responsive to what people actually need. What is the use of encouraging people to play sport and then tarmacing over their football pitch to park coaches for visitors?

"I am very concerned that - in the unlikely event that we do get the Games - the East End will be left with lots of huge stadiums and facilities on an enormous scale which are of absolutely no use to local people and which will be mothballed."


Press Contact Alex Rowe 020 7407 6280

Notes to Editors
For more information about the meeting please contact Clare Joy on 07786657713

Press are welcome to attend the event.