Press Release: Office of Jean Lambert Green MEP for London 

Climate Change a UK Presidency Priority?

Green MEP calls on UK Government to own up to pollution breaches

12th July 2005 

Seven weeks ago, a monitoring site (sponsored by the Mayor of London) recorded pollution levels in London that exceeded European limits of 35 days per year. Since then, EU pollution laws have been quite spectacularly broken in the UK's capital. The 2005 levels in Ealing have been in breach of EU standards for an astonishing 108 days.

If this is indeed the case, under EU rules, the Government has until September 2006 to notify the Commission that it has failed to meet clean air standards. Only then will the Commission be in a position to ensure that the situation is rectified. Until then, the onus is on the UK to admit and amend its air pollution breaches. Failure to act - by Blair's own admission - would contribute to the most long-term serious threat to our environment.

Jean Lambert stated today: "Blair has admitted that to tackle climate change, the time to act is now. He said that if he could leave one message to the British people it is one of urgency. Well Blair has until September 2006 to own up - but London is in breach of air standards now. If the UK is serious in taking a lead on this issue I look forward to seeing the UK act immediately and in Blair's own words, 'with foresight and will'." 

It remains to be seen whether Tony Blair will hold true to his environmental commitments and protect the London population from the many respiratory afflictions associated with high pollution levels.

Jean Lambert, having tabled a Priority Written Question on the matter, has called on the Commission to monitor the situation. She added : " At the end of May, London broke the EU limit of 35 breaches. Since then in that same site of Marylebone, there have been a further 17 recorded and there are areas where the figure is far higher. I am pleased that this important issue is finally getting the recognition it deserves. As Britain currently holds the EU Presidency, if we fail to meet targets on our own doorstep, what sort of leadership is that? "


Notes for Editors: In response to Mrs Lambert's Priority Written Question, the Commission confirmed that "limit values for PM10 set out in Annex III of Council Directive 1999/30/EC of 22 April 1999 relating to limit values for sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxides of nitrogen, particulate matter and lead in ambient air allow for 50ugm-3 to be exceeded by no more than 35 days and an annual mean of 40ugm-3. Failure to meet these requirements obliges the Member State to assess the actions necessary to remedy the situation".

Reference is to Tony Blair's Speech in London on 14th September 2004 

At the time of going to press the highest number of breaches was in Ealing (108). In May 2005 Marylebone was where the original breach of 36 days took place, its figure now stands at 52 days. Information on London pollution levels can be found at: