Press Release: Office of Jean Lambert MEP

29th September 2005


London’s Green MEP warns Wanstead planners to put health and safety
above commercial gain

Plans to erect a new mobile telephone mast on Aldersbrook Estate, Wanstead, could have hazardous implications on our health and should be thrown out by planners, according to a local Euro-MP.

Jean Lambert, London’s Green MEP, will be supporting fellow A.R.M.S (Aldersbrook Residents Mast Solution) campaigners on Saturday 2nd October, in their fight to stop the proposed T-Mobile mast being built. The planned event, ‘Opposed to the mast, then lay on the grass!’ will
see local residents, business owners and campaigners spelling out the words ‘NO T-MOBILE MAST’ with their bodies on Wanstead Flats.

Mrs Lambert, who has supported previous campaigns to stop phone masts being granted planning permission, told planners of her concern over the hazards a phone mast would bring; “It is ludicrous to suggest that a phone mast built so close to schools and houses, right in the middle of a designated conservation area, would be appropriate. Not only will it have a visual impact on the environment but could also risk the health of local residents. It is particularly worrying for school children as they are even more vulnerable due to their developing nervous systems.”

Known locally as ‘The Flats’, the area is the most southern portion of Epping Forest. Surrounded almost completely by roads and houses there is considerable pedestrian traffic. The area is used for a wide range of activities such as dog walking, bird watching, kite flying and exercising. If the telephone mast is erected these activities will be forced to end.

Residents and campaigners alike are desperate to keep the Aldersbrook Estate a family friendly area. Jean echoed these feelings urging Redbridge Borough Council to re think plans for the phone mast and put residents health and safety above commercial gain.


Aerial photographs of the event will be available.

For more information please contact:

Morwenna Holland, Media Officer
tel: 020 7407 6280 or 07813149812

Notes to editors:

Jean Lambert: Jean Lambert was first elected Green Party Member of the European Parliament for London in the 1999 European elections. She was re-elected in 2004. She is one of nine MEPs representing London and one of two UK Green representatives in the European Parliament.

Opposed to the mast, lay on the grass! : All those taking part will be lying on the grass, wearing campaign T-Shirts, to create the words NO T-MOBILE MAST! An aerial photograph will be taken and will be available after the event.