NEWS RELEASE: Office of Jean Lambert

10th October 2005


The UK Government’s heartless attitude and position on the deportation of people married to British citizens, is outrageous and should be revised immediately, according to Euro MP Jean Lambert, speaking at the‘Brides Without Borders – keep couples together’ Lobby in Parliament Square today.

‘Brides without Borders’ is a group of 20 couples from across the UK that face separation from their partners, due to immigration laws. Since February 2005 UK residents have been denied the right to marry who they wish. Instead permission must be granted from the Home Secretary, Charles Clarke, before marrying a foreign national. Numerous couples in the UK have been or are threatened with indefinite separation in the name of maintaining effective immigration controls across the UK.

As Parliament reconvened today to discuss the latest changes to asylum procedures, namely leave to remain, Mrs Lambert gave her support at the demonstration where protestors wore wedding dresses, morning suits and drank sparkling fruit juice in champagne glasses to highlight their message. The Green MEP commented; "The actions of the Home Office leave me utterly astonished. These couples are facing an uncertain future because the UK Government is so keen to reach targets and lower the numbers of asylum seekers remaining in this country. People are no longer being treated as individuals but numbers, without their personal circumstances being taken into account. The British Government is effectively willing to deport its own citizens."

Not only are the Home Office denying people of their basic Human Rights and a right to a family life (Article 8 of the Human Rights Act 1998) but are sending people back to uncertain and dangerous futures. Jean Lambert expressed her concern over the safety of asylum seekers and urged the Home Office to change asylum policies immediately; "There are reasons why asylum seekers are fleeing countries and these are being severely overlooked by the Government. The Home Office suggests that asylum seekers partners should accompany them to their countries, even though the Foreign Office clearly advises against travel to countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan. This is a ludicrous suggestion as in order for marriages to be recognised under Iranian authorities for example, both partners must convert to Islam. If they do not there will be severe consequences for them both. Is the British Government really saying this is a safe environment to be in?"

Jean has also supported Hossein and Jessica Siavoshy, one couple that face separation because of ‘fatally flawed’ actions by the Home Office. Today, along with many other supporters, they tried to make the Home Office recognise the life-destroying situation they have been forced into.



For more information please contact:

Morwenna Holland, Media Officer for Jean Lambert MEP
tel: 020 7407 6280 or 07813149812

Notes to editors:

Jean Lambert: Jean Lambert was first elected Green Party Member of the European Parliament for London in the 1999 European elections. She was re-elected in 2004. Jean Lambert is Deputy Member of Parliaments Civil Liberties committee and its Human Rights Committee.

Brides Without Borders – keep couples together: A group of 20 couples from across the UK who face an uncertain future and forced seperation due to immigration controls. In all their cases their partners are people who have claimed asylum in the UK and have failed. Many have been told to accompany their partners to their countries and settle or to return to their country and apply for a Visa to return to the UK. This is not easy in dangerous countries where there is no facility for issuing Visas.

The Lobby of Parliament takes place at 12 noon on 10^th October 2005 followed by a press conference at Westminster Hall at 4pm.

Hossein Siavoshy: Hossein and Jessica have been married for over two years and were in a relationship akin to the marriage for 18 months prior to the marriage. The Home Office has never denied that their marriage is not genuine and Jessica and Hossein would be happy for the integrity of their marriage to be investigated.

The removal notice that the Home Office is using against Hossein was issued when he first entered the UK in 2000. Hossein was given an SEF form to fill in and return to the Home Office within 14 days (as are all asylum seekers). Hossein sent the form back in time by recorded delivery. The Home Office denied they had received this and issued him a removal form. When Mr Siavoshy presented the postal delivery slip, the Home Office admitted they had made an error and later admitted in a letter to Jessica’s MP that “the removal form which was issued to Mr Siavoshy was /fatally flawed”.

There are several insurmountable obstacles that would prevent Hossein and Jessica living together in Iran. Iran does not recognise dual nationality so it is clear that Jessica would lose her right to a British Passport and UK Diplomatic representation.

In spite of the stress Hossein is under he has been an active member of the community, learned English and studied for a Masters Degree in Law – Mr Siavoshy has been denied the right to work. For more information visit