– Brussels, 11 October 2005


Women's rights and the new Iraqi constitution

Activist calls on Parliament to support women's rights in Iraq


Houzan Mahmoud, UK Head of the Organisation of Women's Freedom in Iraq and co-founder of the Iraq Freedom Congress will visit the European  Parliament in Brussels tomorrow to call for MEPs to support the improvement of women's rights in Iraq. Mahmoud will talk to members of the Greens/EFA Group and other political groups. There will be an opportunity for the press to talk to her at 12.00 outside room ASP 1H1 (Petra Kelly room). 


Commenting on the lack of rights for women in Iraq currently, and as envisaged under the new constitution, which Iraqis will vote on in four days time on 15 October, Houzan Mahmoud said:


"In our view the referendum is a continuation of a procedure to legitimise the government that is currently installed in Iraq. How can Iraqi people vote for a document when most of them have not been informed about its content?  And with our country under occupation and with terrorism wide spread, how can a constitution have legitimacy?


"Iraqi women who have been terrorised by both Shiite's in power and the so-called resistance will only be enslaved and considered as sub-human and half-minded under this constitution. Humanity must take a firm stand against enslavement of sixty percent of our society who are women and who are being pushed back into the dark ages."


UK Green MEP Jean Lambert added:


"People have to see themselves reflected in this constitution. It will only work if people feel that they own it, so for it to stick there has do be work done at a grassroots level. We do not want to see patriarchy constitutionalised. Iraqi women feel they have had no hand in the creation of the constitution."




To arrange an interview with Houzan Mahmoud, please contact the office of Jean Lambert MEP, on tel: +32 284 5507, email: For more details on Organisation of Women's Freedom in Iraq please go to:



Press service of the Greens/EFA group
in the European Parliament
Damian Connon
Tel:    +32 2 284 16 67 (Brussels)
          +33 3 881 74 37 5 (Strasbourg)
GSM: +32 472 21 57 95
Fax:    +32 2 284 49 44
Office: PHS 2C037, Parlement européen, 1047 Bruxelles, Belgium