NEWS RELEASE: Office of Jean Lambert

13th October 2005


Jean Lambert, Green MEP called on the Chinese government to escalate efforts to end the torture and misery of ‘Moon Bears’ before the 2008 Beijing Olympic games, at the launch of a new campaign today. Jill Robinson, who runs Animal Asia Foundation joined Mrs Lambert and fellow MEPs, at the launch.

The Asiatic Black Bear, also known as Moon Bears for the beautiful golden crescent across their chests, are ‘milked’ for their bile up to twice a day often through catheters implanted into their gall bladders. The extraction causes severe physical and mental pain. The bile is used in Chinese Traditional Medicine but research has shown that over 50 herbal and synthetic products, that are cheaper and equally efficacious, can replace this.

Mrs Lambert, who has signed a written declaration on the rising international concern over the farming of Bear bile and previously wrote a letter on the issue to the China Wildlife Conservation Association, expressed her concern over the ‘barbaric practice’; “This is a vile practice, it is clear cruelty when there are alternatives available. It can not be argued that it is for medical benefit when bear bile is used in shampoo and we know there are herbal and synthetic alternatives.”

Moon Bears are one of the eight bear species in the world listed under the Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), but almost one third of their population, more than 7000 bears, are locked up in cages on 212 farms across China.

Jean continued; “I have had a steady stream of letters from constituents in London where we too are going to be Olympic hosts. Ethical standards in both cities must be addressed and for the Chinese Government this provides a clear opportunity to end bear bile farming. The Chinese government are making positive efforts to close the bear farms and help the Animals Asia Foundation free the bears but thousands more remain in captivity and we must continue to fight for their freedom.“

Bears that are currently being rescued through the Animals Asia Foundation are taken to the Moon Bear Rescue Sanctuary at Chengdu. They are released from their cages and treated by a veterinary team through surgery to remove their damaged gall bladders.


For more information please contact:
Morwenna Holland, Media Officer for Jean Lambert MEP
tel: 020 7407 6280 or 07813149812

Notes to editors:

Jean Lambert: Jean Lambert was first elected Green Party Member of the European Parliament for London in the 1999 European elections. She was re-elected in 2004. Jean Lambert is Deputy Member of Parliaments Civil Liberties committee and its Human Rights Committee. For more information visit

Moon Bears: Found in Southern Asia Moon Bears are also known as Asiatic Black Bears or Tibetan Moon Bears. There are as few as 16,000 left in the wild in China. The bears can live for up to 30 years in the wild but on bear farms, many die at less than half that age, between 10 to 12 years.

Bile : a liquid that the bear’s liver produces helping the bear to digest fat in the diet. A catheter is either inserted into the gall bladder or a “free dripping” method, which has recently been introduced, leaves a permanent gaping infected hole in the bear’s abdomen. Bears are often pinned to the bottom of their cages for 24 hours a day.