A series of four seminars
organised by Jean Lambert, London's Green MEP

Congress Centre, Great Russell Street, London


In September 2002, representatives from every major stakeholder group in the world will gather together in Johannesburg to review how well the vision adopted by the world's first Earth Summit in Rio ten years ago has been realised.

The role the city has to play in realising this vision - the vision of sustainable development - will be of increasing importance over the next century, in particular the way in which resources are deployed and managed; the significance of local planning.

In the run up to the Earth Summit, Jean Lambert, London's Green MEP, ran a seminar series on the role of European Cities in achieving Sustainability. Each seminar heard from European policy experts and elected representatives from major European cities and discussed initiatives in each area, international networks that encourage the exchange of experience and dissemination of good local practice, examples of best practice in Europe and strategies for the future.


Seminar one: Networking among Cities for Climate Protection
21 February 2002

Seminar two: Waste Minimisation - the real challenge
7 March 2002

Seminar three: Urban Planning and Impact Assessment
21 March 2002

Seminar four: Planning for Traffic, Transport and Air Quality
04 April 2002



Seminar one

Networking among Cities for Climate Protection
21 February 2002


Download the report

Useful links

Visit to an example of best practice in London

leading UK solar photovoltaics (PV) solutions business

Read more on Solar Century

Seminar Report (forthcoming)


Presentation one (powerpoint):

POLICY: EU climate change policy: taking shape

Jason Anderson, Climate Network Europe

Read more on Climate Network Europe (CNE)

Presentation two (powerpoint):

ENERGY EFFICIENT CITIES: Political Will, Capacity Building and Peoples' Participation

Joaquim Corominas, Ecoserveis, Barcelona

Read more on Ecoserveis

Read more on Energie-Cities

Presentation three (powerpoint):

Networking Among Cities For Climate Protection

Alexandra Waldmann, ICLEI

Read more on ICLEI

Read more on the Cities for Climate Protection Campaign (CCP)

Other handouts/links:

European Sustainable Cities: Useful contacts list

European Commission: The European Sustainable Cities Report


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Seminar two

Waste Minimisation - the real challenge
7 March 2002


Download the report

Useful links

Visit to an example of best practice in London

Waste Alert Club Network
The British Museum

Waste Watch

British Museum

Seminar Report (forthcoming)


Presentation one (word):

Outline of Green Alliance research into international waste policy

Julie Hill, Green Alliance

Download Green Alliance Waste Indicators

Presentation two:

(for presentation see the full report)

Pekka Sauri, President of Helsinki City council

Presentation three (word):

Women's Environmental Network (WEN): 25 Waste Prevention Ideas for Local Authorities

Ann Link, WEN

Women's Environment Network

Other handouts:

European Commission: EU focus on waste management

Environment Agency: 9 steps to waste minimisation


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Seminar three

Urban Planning and Impact Assessment
21 March 2002


Download the report

Useful links

Visit to an example of best practice in London

Beddington Zero Emissions Development (BEDZED)

Bill Dunster Architect

BEDZED website

Seminar Report (forthcoming)



Presentation one (powerpoint):

Towards a Thematic Strategy on the Urban Environment

Julia Ling, European Commission
Environment DG

European Commission Environment DG

Presentation two (word):

Comment on the UK Government's Planning Green Paper

Henry Oliver, Head of Policy, CPRE

Link to CPRE

Presentation three (word):

(for presentation see the full report)

Annemiek Rijckenberg, Utrecht City Council, Netherlands


Other Useful Links

European Commission: Move from Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to Strategic Environmental Assessment for policies, plans and programmes (SEA)

European Commission: The Sustainable Cities Project - The urban dimension of the European Community's Fifth Environmental Action Programme: "Towards Sustainability"


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Seminar four

Planning for Traffic, Transport and Air Quality
04 April 2002


Download the report

Useful links

Seminar Report (forthcoming)


Presentation one:

European policy on Traffic, Transport and Air Quality and successful networking between European Cities

Isabelle Dussutour - Executive Director, POLIS

Link to POLIS

Link to European Commission's Transport and Energy DG

Presentation two:

Sustainable public transport initiatives conceived in Lille (for presentation see the full report)

Eric Quiquet - Leader of the Elected Greens, Lille City Council

Presentation three:

Congestion Charge in London

Nick Fairholme, Policy Manager, Transport for London (TfL)

Transport for London (TfL)

Benefits to London of the congestion charge



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