Issues Animal Protection Asylum, Refugees and Migration Environment Equality and Discrimination Human Rights and Civil Liberties Peace
ECAS is a non-governmental organisation providing services to EU citizens, including funding guidance for NGOs and civil society, freedom of movement and citizens' rights, and transparency and access to documents.
Top Current Affairs Databases Guardian Unlimited
One of the most extensive databases of articles and links on everything you can think of!
BBC Online
Another good source of information about all sorts of issues
Top Democracy and Civil Liberties Statewatch
News and database covering issues of the state, civil liberties and openness. Statewatch's work covers, for example, freedom of information, security and intelligence, the law and the European courts, etc.
Top Elections Information Election World
Parliamentary election results from around the world.
Election Resources
Mainly links to national / regional election results sites.
Top Enlargement European Commission London Office
Provides an easily-disgestible summary of the situation
Enlargement DG
The European Commission's website on enlargement.
Top EU News EU Observer
Easy-to-read online newspaper covering EU affairs. Includes links to national newspaper articles
Agence News
Daily, detailed news of developments in all policy areas
European Voice
Weekly Brussels newspaper covering EU events (and gossip!) It also contains job adverts.
Top EUROPE Summaries and Legislative follow up to EU policies
Clear and concise summaries of EU legislation in all policy areas.
European Information Network
A gateway to Europe Information for the UK regions, inclusing contacts, news and links.
A Europe wide network providing information on EU funding and mobility opportunities for young people and those who work with them.
Gateway to the EU
The homepage of the EU, acting as a gateway to the sites of all the EU institutions, news, information on the history and functioning of the EU, links to official documents and press agencies.
European Parliament
The European Parliament's homepage. From here you can get to the homepages of the political groups, news from the Parliament, information about MEPs and much more.
European Parliament UK Offices:
European Commission
A very useful source of information about all aspects of the EU including news, how to get funding, policy briefs and discussions about the future of Europe.
Your Voice in Europe
This European Commission website shows citizens, consumers and businesses how they can be actively involvd in the Commission's policy-making process. This is part of the Commission's Interactive Policy Making initiative.
Top GREEN Greens EFA
Green Group in the European Parliament
Green Party of England and Wales
European Federation of Green Parties
Scottish Green Party
Keith Taylor MEP
Keith Taylor is the Green Member of the European Parliament for the South East of England.
Caroline Lucas
Caroline Lucas is the Green Member of Parliament for Brighton Pavilion and the leader of the Green Party
Top How to get EU Funding EU Commission Guide
The grants, funds and programmes by EU Policy.
Top Ilisu Dam and Export Credit Reform Friends of the Earth
FoE briefing on the role of Export Credit Agencies in realising infrastructure projects outside the UK. Briefing also includes recommendations on reforming the ECA system, in order to promote and sustain an ethical UK foreign policy.
Ilisu Dam Campaign
UK-based organisation promoting a wide-ranging view on the construction of the Ilisu Dam in Turkey, including displacement of populations and environmental impact. Also highlights the role of the UK government in financially supporting companies in the realisation of this project.
International Rivers Network
Response to the Ilisu Dam project in Turkey and also to other dam projects around the world. Addresses alternative dam-construction methods, which would be more likely to assimilate into particular river patterns and local environmental characteristics, with less disturbance to local natural processes and habitats.
Turkish Embassy
Official comments from the Turkish Embassy in London on the overall project of which the Ilisu Dam is a component part and the potential benefits the (Southeastern Anatolia) project will bring, both regionally and nationally.
Top Kurds Kurdish Library
Supported by the Swedish Government and the City of Stockholm, the Kurdish Library gives access to Kurdish literature (with translations) and recent worldwode Kurdish news.
Top UK GOVERNMENT Ministers and Government Departments
UK Government contacts: Addresses for ministers and Government departments
Government Website
Main UK Government website
Department for The Environment, Foord and Rural Affairs
DEFRA - one department covering the interests of farners and the countryside, the environment and the rural economy, the food we eat, the air we breath and the water we drink.
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Department For Work and Pensions
UK Government website for sustainability
Providing guidance on how to persue a more sustainable future.
Issues Animal Protection Compassion In World Farming
Organisation campaigning to end intensive and inhumane farming practices. Providing information on alternative farming methods and the damage / risk of present methods.
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Campaigning for exactly this. Extends to agricultural sector, domestic animals and wild animals. Reports and information available.
World Horse Welfare
An international charity dedicated to caring for horses. Every day around 100,000 horses are transported in terrible conditions across Europe for slaughter. The Make a Noise campaign is calling for an end to this practice.
Top Asylum, Refugees and Migration Amnesty
Official Amnesty International response to the UK government White Paper on Asylum and Immigration. An in-depth report, dealing with procedural measures concerning asylum and immigration
European Council of Refugees and Exiles (ECRE)
Resource covering everything to do with refugees and asylum-seekers in 28 countries in Europe, including legal aspects, links to member organisations, policy…
Refugee Net
A resource related to the integration of refugees in Europe, this is a useful database of information on themes such as education, employment, vocational training, health, housing and community integration.
UK Home Office
UK government website, detailing government policy on dealing with asylum and immigration, and including updates on recent concerns brought forward by members of the public and organisations. Links to government White Papers.
Top Environment Greenpeace
Greenpeace campaigns on current issues affecting the environment on all scales. Offering campaign advice and access to reserch articles on alternative development possibilities. It also campaigns for world peace.
National Trust Environment and Conservation
UK National Trust website for the conservation of places of historical interest or natuarl beauty. Also information on current environmental issues such as agriculture in Britain and sustainable development. Details and reports on current and past projects.
Top Equality and Discrimination Camapaign Against Racism and Facism
Independent UK organisation providing information and support on race issues
LGBT Greens
The mission of the national LGBT Greeb Group (LGBT-G) is to advance lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality in our society and to raise awareness and understanding of Green and progressive values among LGBT people.
Top Human Rights and Civil Liberties Amnesty International
A mine of information about human rights throughout the world. News and reports on issues including the death penalty, women's rights, the right to a fair trial, torture.
Dalit Solidarity Network
A network of individuals. groups, movemnets and agencies working in solidarity with Dalit communities in India.
National Campaign of Dalit Human Rights
Information and campaign on the situation of the Dalit (untouchable) caste in India - 260 million people denied basic human rights.
Top Peace International Alert
Organisation promoting non-violent resolution of conflict and addressing some catalysts of violent conflict- such as arms trading- and human rights violations (individual and collective) subsequent to violent conflict.