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Postal Services; GATS; Hospitals

Public services fulfil certain functions which are crucial to ensuring an equitable and sustainable society. In the UK, we are familiar with changes to how our public services are funded and provided. Heated public debates about our public services - such as hospitals, schools, public transport - frequently hit the headlines. Public Finance Initiatives (PFI) to fund the building of hospitals, the controversial Public Private Partnership proposals for the London Underground and the privatised railways are all heavily criticised for their effects on these services.

Jean Lambert and the Greens are fighting to ensure that universal access and affordable services are guaranteed, to quality services.






Changes to the way UK Government pays benefits - and the EU drive to liberalise postal services - have already begun to wreak havoc on local communities, as post offices continue to close across the London.

Jean has added her voice to numerous local campaigns fighting the closure of the post offices throughout the city. She says the planned closures is merely a sign of things to come as universal service is undermined by privatization - despite a Green campaign at the European Parliament.

Jean fears the closures will have the greatest impact on London's most vulnerable citizens.

Read Press Release - Haringey Post Office: May 5th 2003



Following the implementation of the European Union Postal Services Directive, independent regulator Postcomm has this year opened the bulk postal market to competition (this covers 4000 items and over).

It is the view of the Green Party of England and Wales that the preservation of a universally accessible and reasonably priced mail delivery service is essential and must be put first above all other considerations. Open market competition is against the interests of the public and, in particular those most vulnerable such as people living in rural and inner city communities.

Read Jean's response to Postcomm's consultation on opening Royal Mail deliveries to private competition: August 20th 2003


!Useful links!

Visit Postcomm's Web site


GATS (General Agreement on Trade in Services)

The GATS is a World Trade Organisation agreement on trade in services - 160 sectors including health, waste disposal, financial services, education, water distribution, and tourism. GATS poses a serious threat to public services in Britain and around the world and Jean has been lobbying UK and EC negotiators to ensure that public services are kept safe.

In December 2002/ January 2003 Jean Lambert and Caroline Lucas submitted joint responses to EC and UK Consultations on GATS.

EC Consultation Response

UK Consultation Response

GATS information briefing / PDF format

European Parliamentarians from different political parties signed a 'call' on GATS. Read it here


In March 2003, Greens in the EU voted against the GATS resolution as too many questions were left open, after other political groups voted to throw out key demands. However, a couple of Green amendments were supported.
Read Press release: March 12th 2003




!Useful links!




World Development Movement



In a debate on a proposal on how to guarantee accessibility, quality and financial viability in health care for the elderly, Jean Lambert highlighted the importance of according sufficient funds to this crucial service.

Read Jean's speech