Jean Lambert sends message of support to Europe-Roma and the European Roma Federation protests on UN Human Rights Day in London.

10th December 2001

Protests at embassies of Bulgaria, Czech Rep, Slovakia, Romania, Ukraine and Poland, and outside the Home Office.

Firstly, I would like to say how disappointed I am not to be at the press conference today. I had hoped to stand and draw attention to the continuing human rights abuses of Roma in eastern Europe, and the appalling reception they encounter when seeking asylum in the UK.

Earlier this Autumn, the Council of Europe delivered a severe condemnation on Europe's treatment of the Roma Gypsy community. It is known that this community group is subject to wide spread racism, discrimination and violence.

The European Parliament has also expressed their concern about the treatment of the Roma people in some of those countries that are currently seeking membership of the Union.

Upon being refused asylum in London, they can expect to be hunted by the new Home Office "snatch squads". Following the death of Joseph Crentsil last Sunday at the hands of one such squad, it is time to speak out. There should be an immediate halt to the operation of the asylum snatch squads in London and the Government should urgently review its targets for the Immigration Service. A substantial increase in arrests of failed asylum seekers could result in more deaths.

We must remember that we are dealing with lives not statistics. I therefore give my support to The European Roma Rights Centre statement, calling on governments to adopt strong anti-discrimination laws without delay and take steps to integrate the Roma into European societies.