From Jean Lambert, London's Green MEP

11th July 2002


Jean Lambert, Green Euro MP for London and Walthamstow resident, has written to the Leader of Waltham Forest Council today asking what action the Council are proposing to take to protect the long-term viability of the Higham Hill Common Allotments following the refusal of the Council to put in place proper arrangements guaranteeing adequate access for allotment holders, some of whom are disabled.

Jean Lambert MEP said,

"I am surprised that the Council does not appear to have taken every opportunity within its grasp to consult with the allotment holders and thereby protect the long term viability of this historic site. We should not forget that the site provides food and recreation for local people in Waltham Forest."

"The only alternative access arrangements being proposed will undermine the ability of all sections of our community from having the opportunity to benefit from this valuable site. Without an access point that is free from flooding and is relatively short, how will wheelchair-bound or infirm people be able to make full use of the site throughout the year. Next year is the 'European Year of People with Disabilities' - guaranteeing a suitable access to the allotments would be a wonderful example to set and would demonstrate the Council's commitment to the rights of people with disabilities."


For more information please contact Dean Walton, London Liaison officer for Jean Lambert MEP on 020 7407 6280 or Gemma Stunden on 0207 407 6269.

Notes for editors

1) The Higham Hill Common Allotment Association this month celebrates its 150th birthday. For more information Contact Colin Bowen (Secretary, HHCAA) on 020 8527
0958 or 07903 017844 (mobile)

2) The Higham Hill Common Allotments Association is a community organisation which seeks to promote the interests of all plot holders and to protect the environment of their site. They are situated at the end of Green Pond Road, Walthamstow, E17.