From Jean Lambert, London's Green MEP

3rd July 2002


TWO London schoolgirls have just returned from a series of meetings on the future of Europe with senior decision-makers at the European Parliament in Brussels.

Ayesha Singh, 15, of Leytonstone, and Binthiya Sribaskaran, 17, of Harrow, visited the European Parliament in Brussels for a four-day fact-finding visit organised by the Institute for Citizenship and hosted by Jean Lambert, Green MEP for London.

Ayesha and Binthiya, along with 14 other young delegates from Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden and the UK, discussed some of Europe's most topical issues: the single currency, EU enlargement in Eastern Europe, diversity and current European policies affecting young people.

"It's always encouraging to meet young people with enthusiasm for learning about Europe and what it means for them as citizens. I know the delegates learned a lot during their week in Brussels - and I certainly did too," said Mrs Lambert.

"Some of the most important decisions affecting us here in London are being made in Brussels and Strasbourg. The European Parliament, as the only directly-elected EU decision-making body, is key to engaging with the process.

"As an MEP it is part of my job to create links between Londoners and the European level. Young people hold the key to enlivening the European democratic process and I feel privileged to have played a part in this initiative."

The girls were chosen to take part in the visit after participating in the Institute for Citizenship's 'Speak Out! On European Citizenship' initiative. The Internet-based project aims to empower young people by encouraging them to share their views on key European issues and present them to key decision-makers.

"Tackling disengagement from the decision-making process on both the domestic and European fronts is vital if we are to enliven the democratic process," said Zandria Pauncefort, Chief Executive, Institute for Citizenship.

"Transforming seemingly dry and distant politics through engaging and informed debate should be a priority for governments across Europe.

"Speak Out! Will hopefully go some way to show that politics and government can be made less remote and alien by empowering European youth to think about the state, society and power in an informed and challenging way," she added.


For more information contact Ben Duncan on 020 7407 6290 or 0776 997 0691

Notes to Editors:

1. Jean Lambert was elected Green MEP for London in 1999.

2. The Institute for Citizenship is an independent charitable trust that works to promote informed active citizenship and greater participation in democracy and society. Further details can be obtained from Dan Firth on 020 7935 4777.