From the office of the Green MEPs

24 July, 2003

Photocall… Photocall… Photocall… Photocall… Photocall…

Event: London MEP to visit Brent clothing recycling centre
Date: Friday, July 25, 1.30pm
Place: TRAID, 5 Second Way, Wembley, HA9 0YJ


London's Green MEP Jean Lambert will join members of Brent and Harrow Green Party in a visit to TRAID (Textile Recycling for Aid and International Development), a high-quality clothing recycling charity in Brent.

This marks the finale of Mrs Lambert's week-long tour of London's good practice businesses, community projects and organisations, under the theme of "jobs from recycling".

TRAID is committed to combating world poverty by recycling clothing. Funds raised in the UK through the collection and sale of second-hand clothing and shoes further sustainable development in some of the poorest regions of the world.

Donations to TRAID's clothing banks and the sale of low-cost fashionable clothes from TRAID shops generates funds which are used to support the work of UK Non Governmental Organisations, such as Oxfam and Care International UK in many developing countries.

Mrs Lambert will tour TRAID's facilities, learn more about the projects being undertaken, and engage in an open discussion about the major issues affecting developing countries.

Mrs Lambert said: "TRAID is making a remarkable contribution to reducing the devastation caused by poverty in developing countries. It is funding vital development programmes, which are benefiting communities around the world. "

"This work is so important because it provides real assistance, and enables everyone in the local community to play a part in helping the world's most vulnerable citizens."

"Recycling doesn't always have to mean plastic and glass - most materials that we buy on the high street should be re-used or recycled. Thinking like this makes a difference to everyone's environment and quality of life."

"I am looking forward to this opportunity to hear first hand from those working to help people in developing countries realize even the most basic of human rights."


Notes for Editors:

1) Jean Lambert MEP's tour of local projects include:

21st July: Toynbee Hall Community Centre: Tower Hamlets
23rd July: Shaftesbury Resources Centre: Southwark
23rd July: Green Bottle Unit: Hackney
23rd July: London Recycling: Newham
25th July: TRAID (Clothes from recycling): Brent
25th July: Computer Aid: Islington

Visit TRAID's website

For more information please contact Ben Duncan on 020 7407 6280, 07973 823358 or at