From the office of the Green MEPs

22 July, 2003

Photocall… Photocall… Photocall… Photocall… Photocall…

Event: London MEP to visit Hackney arts recycling group
Date: Wednesday, July 23, 2.30pm
Place: Green Bottle Unit, 274 Richmond Road, London Fields, London E8 3QW


London's Green MEP Jean Lambert will visit the Green Bottle Unit, a Hackney urban regeneration scheme that combines art with recycling, as part of a week-long tour of community projects in London.

Mrs Lambert's is touring London's good practice businesses and organisations this week, under the theme of "jobs from recycling".

The Green Bottle Unit is part of the Free Form Arts Trust, a national charity which combines the skills of artists and architects on projects involving local people in the urban regeneration process.

The Unit was set up to demonstrate how wider involvement in recycling glass can contribute to environmental regeneration. It creates 100% recycled glass products for urban design and regeneration schemes that are both environmentally sustainable and creative.

Mrs Lambert will tour the Green Bottle Unit's facilities, learn more about the projects being undertaken, and engage in an open discussion about the regeneration issues in Hackney.

Mrs Lambert said: "The Green Bottle Unit aims to empower socially excluded sections of the community to play a significant role in regenerating their local area through the arts and also creates opportunities for artists to work within a social context.

"This work is so important because it actively engages local artists in the regeneration process."

"Given my interest, and the growing role of the European Union, in the question of Social Inclusion, listening to the voices of communities and practitioners is essential. I am looking forward to this opportunity to hear first hand from those working to improve quality of life for residents in Hackney."

Jean with Meg Aubrey, Community Training and Development Co-ordinator at Freeform, during her visit to the Green Bottle Unit


Notes for Editors:

Jean Lambert MEP's tour of local projects will include:

21st July: Toynbee Hall Community Centre: Islington
23rd July: Shaftesbury Resources Centre: Southwark
23rd July: Green Bottle Unit: Hackney
23rd July: London Recycling: Newham
25th July: TRAID (Clothes from recycling): Brent
25th July: Computer Aid: Islington

For more information please contact Ben Duncan on 020 7407 6280, 07973 823358 or at