From the office of the Green MEPs

22 July, 2003

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Event: London MEP to visit Southwark furniture recycling centre
Date: Wednesday, July 23, 12.30pm
Place: Shaftesbury Resources Centre, 93 Camberwell Rd SE5 9JJ


London's Green MEP Jean Lambert will visit The Shaftesbury Resources Centre, a local furniture recycling service that has become a vital part of the Southwark community, as part of a week-long tour of community projects in London.

This visit is the second in Mrs Lambert's week of visits to good practice businesses and organisations in London, under the theme of "jobs from recycling".

The Shaftesbury Resources Centre collects disused furniture and household items from the London area and distributes them to low-income families.

The centre is also working to reduce unemployment in the community by providing work experience for young people and people facing long term unemployment.

Mrs Lambert will tour Shaftesbury's facilities, learn more about the projects being undertaken, and engage in an open discussion about the major issues affecting Southwark residents.

Mrs Lambert said: "Shaftesbury is seeking to support and improve the local community by providing services for disadvantaged residents."

"This work is so important because it provides real and direct assistance to the most vulnerable members of the community, and targets the source of the problem by providing work experience to encourage people into employment."

"Given my interest, and the growing role of the European Union, in the question of Social Inclusion, listening to the voices of communities and practitioners is essential. I am looking forward to this opportunity to hear first hand from those working to improve quality of life for residents in Southwark."


Notes for Editors:

1) Jean Lambert MEP's tour of local projects will include:

21st July: Toynbee Hall Community Centre: Islington
23rd July: Shaftesbury Resources Centre: Southwark
23rd July: Green Bottle Unit: Hackney
23rd July: London Recycling: Newham
25th July: TRAID (Clothes from recycling): Brent
25th July: Computer Aid: Islington

2) The Shaftesbury Society is one of the UK's leading Christian charities and works with disabled people and local communities to achieve social inclusion, empowerment and justice.

For more information please contact Ben Duncan on 020 7407 6280, 07973 823358 or at