From the office of the Green MEPs

11 December, 2003

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Event: London Green MEP Jean Lambert addresses human rights demonstration
Place: Opposite Downing Street, Whitehall
Time: Saturday, December 13th, 1-4pm



LONDON Euro-MP and human rights campaigner Jean Lambert will call for the immediate release of all prisoners held without trial in the US, UK, Iraq and Afghanistan at a rally outside Downing Street on Saturday (December 13th).

"Hundreds of prisoners are facing the injustice of being held indefinitely without trial as a result of the US-UK war on terror, at Guantanamo Bay and smaller detention facilities across the US and in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as here in the UK," said the Green Party MEP.

"This injustice in direct violation of the prisoners' human rights must be halted immediately. Prisoners must be released immediately or charged with recognised criminal offences, given access to legal representation and tried in open court."

The demonstration, which has been organised by the Campaign Against Criminalising Communities (CAMPACC), is expected to attract hundreds of protestors demanding the release of all US and UK prisoners held without trial since September 11th.

A CAMPACC spokesperson said the protest would give a voice to the increasing numbers who believe the UK and US have breached international law by their cruel and inhuman treatment of prisoners held in the 'war against terror'.

Speakers at the rally include Azmat Begg (father of British Guantanamo detainee Moazzem Begg), comedian Mark Thomas, Jeremy Corbyn MP and representatives of Liberty, Voices UK, JustPeace, the Association of Muslim Lawyers and the Muslim parliament of Great Britain.

Mrs Lambert, who is a member of the European parliament's Civil Liberties committee, added: "Rumours abound of a deal being done to improve the standards of British citizens held at Guantanamo - but that would simply not be good enough.

"Universal human rights must be respected universally. All the prisoners should be released or treated fairly and openly tried, whatever their nationality.

"It is precisely at times of conflict when governments are tempted to ignore human rights that it is most important to insist they are respected."


For more information please contact Katy Randles or Ben Duncan on 020 7407 6280, 07973 823358 or at