From the office of the Green MEPs

18th March 2004



To download a copy of the report please click here. NB. this is a 1.4MB file.

The Green Party Members of the European Parliament are to launch their 'Green Achievements' End of Term Report on Thursday 18th March.

The joint end of term report - which has been co-produced by Jean Lambert MEP (Green Party, London) and Caroline Lucas MEP (Green Party, South East) - gives their constituents a chance to see how Greens at the European Parliament have made a real difference since they were first elected in 1999.

"The Green Party is committed to accountable and transparent politics," said the Caroline Lucas. "We want to tell people exactly what we've done, how we did it, and to show how we work at the European level to ensure the Green voice is heard in the corridors of power in Brussels and Strasbourg.

Jean Lambert continued: "As the Blair government finds itself increasingly isolated from the public and the rest of Europe, the Greens are working ever harder to bring a sustainable, just and common sense approach to the issues that matter to the people of this country - food, transport and public services, social inclusion and human rights, planning and the environment, asylum and immigration."

"We look forward to being able to continue working across London and the South East to make these regions truly sustainable, providing a decent quality of life for residents which meets all of our social and environmental needs."

The report highlights how Caroline and Jean's work has directly impacted the lives of their constituents.

As well as working to try to keep the EU moratorium on GM crops, the Greens in the European Parliament were instrumental in ensuring that all GM products be labelled and that the UK could take appropriate measures - including establishing GM-free zones - to prevent the unintended presence of GMOs in conventional and organic products.

As member of the Trade and Energy Committee, Caroline forced the Europea n Commission to undertake legal investigations into the British nuclear industry and promoted green energy and energy efficient as the alternatives.

Jean has campaigned hard to improve the life of Londoners, working with community groups and organisations across the capital, helping them access the European decision-making process and raising the profile of their campaigns.

Their work pushes forward into new areas of Peace and Human Rights, Food and Farming, Globalisation and Trade, Energy and Climate Change, Employment, Pensions and Social Inclusion, Public Services, Environment and Transport.

Caroline and Jean concluded: "Environmental and social protection need strong advocates in Europe as the push for liberalisation and increasing competition continues. We look forward to continuing our vital work and acting upon our constituents concerns over public services, civil liberties and the environment."


For more information please contact Katy Randles on 020 7407 6280 or at

Notes to Editors

1. The 'Green Achievements' End of Term Report will be launched this Thursday (March 18) with an organic champagne reception at the October Gallery, 24 Old Gloucester Street, Bloomsbury, London, between 6pm and 8pm. Journalists and photographers are welcome to attend the launch - please contact Ben Duncan on 020 7407 6280 to arrange a place.

2. Jean and Caroline were elected to the European Parliament in 1999.

3. Head and shoulders pix of Jean and Caroline are available digitally. Please contact Katy Randles on 020 7407 6280 for copies.

4. Caroline Lucas is a member of the Environment Committee and Trade, Industry, Energy and Research Committee. She is Group spokesperson on international trade and development issues and Vice-President of the European Parliament's working group on Animal Welfare and a member of the Intergroups on Peace and Consumer Affairs and Fair Trade. Jean Lambert is Vice-President of the Green/EFA Group, and continues to serve on the Parliament's Employment and Social Affairs, Petitions and Civil Liberties Committees. She is Group spokesperson on asylum and immigration issues and a member of the Intergroups on Age, Peace, Antiracism, Trade Unions, Lesbian and Gay
rights, Social Economy, and Disability.