From the office of the Green MEPs

May 27th, 2004

Photocall. Photocall. Photocall. Photocall. Photocall.


Event: Euro-MP praises 'visionary' Croydon Cyber-Cafe
Place: Octagon Community Cyber Cafi, Croydon
Time: TODAY, Thursday, May 27th, 4pm

Jean Lambert, Green Party MEP, Green Party London Assembly candidate Shasha Kahn and Kirsten Chambers of Creative Environmental Networks are to inspect a solar installation at a 'visionary' Croydon Internet cafe today.

The community group has installed a solar hot water panel under the Renewable Energy Action for London (REAL) program run by Creative Environmental Networks.

The Green Party has pledged to prioritise assisting Londoners to use less energy in their homes. Jean Lambert said: "We must drastically cut down the CO2 emissions in London and switch over to clean and green renewable energy. Initiatives such as REAL deserve the full support of the Mayor and the Greater London Assembly.

"Helping Londoners to save energy and tackling the very pressing problems of fuel poverty is essential if we are to make the capital a place where all can enjoy real quality of life."

Jean concluded: "Many of London's households do not have adequate energy efficiency measures. Nearly a million households in London spend more than 10% of their disposable income simply to heat and power their houses. We should work to ensure that all London's homes have adequate heating and insulation that meets the Decent Homes Standard. It is a disgrace that in this country more people die in the winter months of cold related diseases than do in Scandinavia."


For more information please contact Ben or Katy on 020 7407 6280, 07973 823358 or