Jean Lambert - Biography

Jean, a former teacher from Walthamstow, East London, was re-elected in 2004 as one of the UK's two Green MEPs. She is one of nine MEPs representing the Greater London region, and is uniquely able to bring a radical Green perspective to European debate on the issues that matter most to Londoners.

Jean was Principal Speaker for the Green Party of England and Wales, 1992-93, 1998-1999, Chair of the Green Party Executive in 1994 and has been an active member of the Green Party since 1977.

"Since my election in 1999 I have been able to add to the growing Green voice in Brussels and Strasbourg, placing the priorities of Londoners at the heart of my work. Though the Green voice is small, it is loud and growing louder. As voters reject traditional parties in ever-growing numbers, it is the responsibility of those of us whose visions of sustainable future for London cut across left and right to ensure they remain served by European democracy."

Jean is a member of the Council of pro-democracy group Charter 88 and an Executive Supporter and signatory for Charter 99, an initiative for global democracy. Jean is a patron of Europe-Roma and an active member of Waltham Forest Race Equality Council. She is a member of the 300 Group, an all-party group campaigning for a greater role for women in public decision-making. She is also a member of the Hansard Society. She has been involved with Make Votes Count (pro-PR organisation) since its inception and is also a member and supporter of Justice. Her special interests include Democracy and Human Rights, Refugee Rights, Anti-discrimination and Social Inclusion.

Parliamentary Work

As Vice-President of the Green/EFA group in the European Parliament, Jean is in a strong position to share her experience of London with Greens from across Europe, draw on the best practice found elsewhere and influence the group’s priorities and voting behaviour. Jean is an active and respected MEP, serving on the Employment and Social Affairs Committee, the Civil Liberties Committee and the Human Rights Sub-Committee. Jean also sits on the South Asia and the South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Delegation as well as the Japan Delegation. By producing regular reports to Committees, speaking and voting at the main Parliamentary sessions, Jean brings both London’s voice and the Green perspective to European decision-making, much of which shapes the law here in the UK.

Voluntary Parliamentary Groups

Jean in London

Since her election in 1999, Jean has developed a close working relationship with community groups, NGOs, trades unions and policy-makers across the capital. By visiting projects, organizing and speaking at conferences, responding to public consultations and listening to Londoners’ concerns she has been able to ensure the capital’s voice is at the front of European policy-making on key issues ranging from social security and social inclusion to asylum and immigration, from energy and sustainability to human rights and peace.

Jean and You

Whether Jean is working in London, Brussels or Strasbourg, she is working for you.

"As a Londoner, I am committed to making our city a fair, socially inclusive and sustainable city – and as an MEP I am committed to representing all Londoners at the European Parliament."