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Anti-discrimination and Social Inclusion

Jean is a Member of the European Parliament Anti - Racism Intergroup, the Disability Intergroup and the Gay and Lesbian Intergroup. She is Co-President of the Age Intergroup



  • Speech for Age Concern London
  • Speech to the Waltham Forest Consortium of Asian People with Disabilities

In addition to the promotion of international anti-racism day, Jean has pushed for the enforcement of the new EU Directive on anti-racism. Jean recognises that grass roots action will be vitally important in helping to create a more tolerant and peaceful world for us all.

The Employment Framework Directive

The Employment Framework Directive emphasises the fundamental importance of non-discrimination and extends its scope to the areas of discrimination as outlined in Article 13. The Directive aims to uphold the principle of equal treatment as a basic human right to be defended by the EU. One important aspect of the Directive is that the burden of proof has been shifted so that the onus is on the respondent to prove that they have not breached its terms.

Unfortunately, few of the European member states will have implemented the Directive by its deadline of December 2nd 2003. It is important that we ensure the UK implement the Directive as soon as possible and we should remind the Commission of its duty to begin infringement procedure against those governments that do not. The UK is also attempting to remove religion as a specified area for employment discrimination. This means that discrimination laws would not be strengthened in religious institutions including schools or charities.

Jean lambert will push for full implementation of the Employment Framework Directive at the earliest possible date and has held meetings with relevant organisations including the Policy Research Institute on Ageing and Ethnicity.

Social Inclusion

In her work in London, as well as in the Employment and Social Affairs Committee in Brussels, Jean takes a particular interest in measures to improve social inclusion. In autumn 2001 she represented the Committee on a high-level contact committee between the European Council and the Parliament on an Action Programme to combat Social Exclusion.

European Commission social exclusion webpage

In London Jean meets regularly with representatives from borough councils and community organisations, and with policy advisors from the London Skills Forecasting Unit and the successors to the old training and enterprise councils, to discuss the specifics of social exclusion in London and what is being done to combat it. She is helping Greens in London develop policy in this area and get it onto the regional and national political agenda, and brings this familiarity with the London situation to Parliamentary work in Brussels.

Jean has published a report on "Integrating Social Inclusion and Environment." The report concludes that we must meet the needs of socially excluded groups in the formulation of joined-up and sustainable development policies. Training young people and including them in the design of this training is an integral part not only of combating social exclusion but can also provide significant opportunity to shape future environmental citizens, entrepreneurs and employees.


Jean submitted a written question to the Commission regarding sexual discrimination in the workplace. The Commission was asked if existing legislation puts the onus upon the employee to defend their sexual orientation in tribunal, rather than upon the employer to defend their decision not to employ on the basis of sexual orientation.

Jean has also attended and spoken at events which highlight the scandalous continuation of violence against women. Jean heard from victims of attempted rape and has taken up the need to address the way that we treat the victims of these crimes. It is hoped that legislation will be amended to support basic standards for victims of crime against women.

In her 2004 Report on Employment Flexibility, Jean addresses the disadvantages that women face in the workplace.

Photo: European Parliament
Read the Green MEPs' 2004 information leaflet on equality and social inclusion


Read Jean's Report Integrating Social Inclusion and Environment


"We need to look at the needs people have rather than what age they are. Let's judge people on their competencies and not on their birthdays."
Useful Link! Site 13, European Network of Local Authorities Against Discrimination


What does Jean do? Some examples:

  • In 2005 Jean gave a Speech to the plenary on anti-semitism

  • In May 2004 Jean received praise from AGE for her work with older people.

  • Jean gets involved in a lot of anti-racism work in London. In March 2001 she spoke at an anti-racism rally. Read her article on anti-racism

  • Jean and the Green Group regularly table amendments to reports to improve them from an anti-discrimination angle.

  • In 2000, Jean was heavily involved in drafting the Parliament's opinion proposals for legislation on anti-discrimination in employment, Article 13. This covered all kinds of discrimination, including that against people with disabilities, racial or ethnic discrimination, and discrimination on the basis of gender or sexual orientation.


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