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Maylands Fields; Arsenal; Crystal Palace; Spitalfields; Thames Gateway



A green belt site in Havering that is home to rare flora and fauna - including a protected bat colony - has won a temporary reprieve from development after Jean Lambert intervened on behalf of local environmental campaigners.

Jean has visited the site on numerous occasions to investigate whether the work contravenes Government regulations, and fought alongside local residents who oppose the development.

"Maylands Fields is an important wildlife site and a vital part of Havering's precious Green Belt"

Read press release




A PLANNING Inspectorate decision to close down an illegal car wash on a Havering Green Belt site is a victory for the local community, London's Green Euro-MP Jean Lambert said today.

Inspectors described development plans for Maylands Fields and a car wash erected on adjoining land without planning permission as "unlawful development. in significant breach of green belt policy" and ordered the landowner to cease trading and clean up the site. Read press release





Jean has condemned the proposals for building a new Stadium for Arsenal in the Borough of Islington at Ashburton Grove. It is clear to Jean, and thousands of North London residents, that it is purely for the benefit of Arsenal's bankers and shareholders and not for the benefit of the local community or indeed Arsenal's fans.

Jean calls for public enquiry into the Arsenal Stadium plans

Download Jean's letter to Steven Byers

Download Jean's Objections to Arsenal Plans


!Useful links!





















!Useful links!

Arsenal Stadium plans slammed by Greens in the GLA

Arsenal Stadium: Latest on Council's decision



Jean has made a formal complaint to the European Commission that Towers Hamlets Council may have breached European Law in its handling of the contested Spitalfields Market Development (November 2001).

Press release: Jean reports East London Council to European Commission Over Spitalfields Market Development (11/01)

Jean's letter of complaint to the Commission


Spitalfields Market: Judicial Review Proceedings against Tower Hamlets Council




The European Commission is to take the UK Government to court over its failure to require an Environmental Impact Assessment for a planned multiplex cinema in Crystal Palace Park.

The decision followed a complaint from the local Crystal Palace Campaign lodged the Commission and supported by Jean.

Crystal Palace Campaigners condemn UK Government in the European Parliament: 20 February, 2003

Jean welcomed two local campaigners to the European Parliament to speak out against the UK Government's failure to carry out proper environmental studies on Crystal Palace plans for a massive multiplex project.

Read Press Release on campaigner's visit: February 20th

Read Press Release on the EC's decision to take the UK Government to court: 11 February, 2003





For detailed information on the Thames Gateway Project, click here