From the office of the Green MEPs

3 June, 2003


GREENS at the European Parliament and London Assembly have joined forces to fight a proposed waste incinerator at Belvedere that threatens to undermine London's efforts to recycle more and throw away less.

London MEP Jean Lambert added her voice to a growing local opposition to the proposal, which has already been rejected by planners twice - and has now been called in to face a second public inquiry.

"The Belvedere plan is outrageous," said Mrs Lambert. "Just at a time when Britain is facing international criticism for its failure to encourage recycling programmes, waste reduction initiatives and renewable energy production, Bexley residents are faced with a proposal which will undermine all three.

"The plan would tie the council into a contract to supply waste for incineration - creating a legally binding disincentive to improving recycling - and discourage further investment in genuinely renewable energy production.

The Green MEP blamed Government support for the proposal on the EU's interpretation of the 'Energy from Waste' created by incinerators as contributing to meeting renewable energy targets - and the waste ash as recycled material.

"These definitions make a mockery of the aims of promoting renewable energy and encouraging recycling," she added. "Incineration can never play a role in truly sustainable waste management.

"The claim that waste ash produced by burning rubbish is a recycled material in any real sense is plainly ridiculous and cannot be allowed to form the basis for Government or local support for waste incinerators."

Mrs Lambert also criticised the proposals from a social perspective, claiming it would inhibit job creation.

"Investment in recycling provides five times as many jobs as are displaced from landfill and incineration," she said.



1) Read the Green Objection to a new incinerator at Bexley

2) For more information on the Bexley incinerator campaign and the public visit BEXLEY AND DISTRICT AGAINST INCINERATION RISKS (BADAIR)

3) For more information on Jean Lambert MEP please contact Ben Duncan on 020 7407 6280, 07973 823358 or at