bees – Jean Lambert MEP Green Member of the European Parliament for London Wed, 07 Apr 2021 12:31:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ‘This new study needs to be the final nail in the coffin for glyphosate,’ say Green MEPs Mon, 01 Oct 2018 15:05:13 +0000 1 October 2018 Green MEPs have written to the Environment Secretary Michael Gove calling for a ban on the country’s most-used weedkiller after a scientific study reveals the harm it causes to precarious bee populations. A groundbreaking study by biologists from the University of Texas demonstrated how glyphosate, the active ingredient in the most widely […]

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1 October 2018

Green MEPs have written to the Environment Secretary Michael Gove calling for a ban on the country’s most-used weedkiller after a scientific study reveals the harm it causes to precarious bee populations.

A groundbreaking study by biologists from the University of Texas demonstrated how glyphosate, the active ingredient in the most widely used pesticides in the world, is linked to increased mortality of honey bee colonies [1].

Glyphosate has also been classified as ‘probably carcinogenic’ [2] to humans by the World Health Organisation, and Monsanto, the world’s biggest glyphosate producer, was recently forced to pay out a record £300m in compensation to a US man who developed cancer after being exposed to the weedkiller [3].

The latest available stats show that more than 2,000 tonnes of glyphosate-containing pesticides were sprayed on crops across the UK in 2016 [4]. Meanwhile, bee populations in Britain, which provide a vital pollinator function, have shown a marked decline over the last thirty years.

The overwhelming scientific evidence linking another pesticide, neonicotinoids, with bee mortality led to a push by the EU to ban the use of substances and prompted Michael Gove to commit to banning its use in Britain [5].

UK Green MEPs have written to Mr Gove in light of the latest evidence, asking on the Defra Secretary to also urgently ban the use of glyphosate [6]

Jean Lambert, MEP for London, said:

“It is time to listen to the science and listen to the citizens. Just a few weeks ago, thousands of people joined the ‘Walk for Wildlife’; people in Britain and across the EU are no longer willing to stand by as our precious wildlife is destroyed. For that reason, glyphosate is another bee-killing pesticide that must go the way of neonicotinoids. And that is to say nothing of the carcinogenic threat the toxic weedkiller poses to human health.”

Keith Taylor, MEP for the South East, the animal rights spokesperson for the Green Party of England and Wales and a member of the European Parliament’s Environment and Public Health Committee, said:

“It is shameful that the evident risk to human health and the already established threats to soil health hasn’t yet moved the government to take action to end the use of glyphosate. Quite the opposite, in fact; the UK has consistently blocked attempts by MEPs to block the deadly pesticide.”

“But with Michael Gove’s fondness for bees, we can only hope this latest study will be the turning point and be the final nail in the coffin for this toxic weedkiller.”

More than one million European citizens have signed a petition calling for a ban on glyphosate [7]. Molly Scott Cato, MEP for the South West and a member of the European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee, added:

“So far Michael Gove’s so-called ‘Green Brexit’ plans have not involved any suggestion of phasing out glyphosate. In fact, the emphasis on increasing yield while reducing carbon emissions suggests that Gove may favour the ‘min-till’ system of agriculture that abandons ploughing and relies heavily on glyphosate. But there is nothing green about the use of a chemical associated with a wide range of adverse health effects in humans, farm animals and wildlife. This latest study only proves the importance of an urgent transition towards non-chemical methods of dealing with weeds and pests. It would bee [sic] remiss of Mr Gove not to act.”

Notes to the editor

[1] DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1803880115
[4] Pesticide Usage Stats, Fera

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Bees win after EU votes for pesticide ban – no thanks to UK Mon, 29 Apr 2013 21:47:16 +0000 LONDON MEP Jean Lambert has welcomed a two-year ban on the use of pesticides linked to the sharp decline in the bee population. The moratorium, which was fist mooted by the European Commission following a critical report into the impact of neonicitinoid pesticides on bees by the European Food Safety Agency, has been backed by […]

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LONDON MEP Jean Lambert has welcomed a two-year ban on the use of pesticides linked to the sharp decline in the bee population.

The moratorium, which was fist mooted by the European Commission following a critical report into the impact of neonicitinoid pesticides on bees by the European Food Safety Agency, has been backed by the UK parliament’s Environmental Audit Committee.

The two-year ban will give scientists a window to research the link more fully – and propose alternatives.

But the UK government, arguing that the science is inconclusive, voted against the move.

Jean Lambert, London’s Green MEP, said: “This moratorium is excellent news: for the precautionary principle, for bees and our farmers, and for the millions of people who have expressed their view that a short-term ban is the only response to a massive collapse in our bee population.

“As well as the being the right thing to do for the health of our food chain, today’s decision also shows how successful public and NGO campaigning can be in the face of the lobbying efforts of the pharmaceutical industry.”

The final vote, in the EU’s ‘Comitology Appeals Committee’, saw 15 member states for the moratorium, eight against (including the UK) and four EU states abstain.

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London’s Green MEP calls on UK to back EU pesticide moratorium to protect bees Fri, 26 Apr 2013 21:54:04 +0000 On Monday the British government will join other EU countries in voting on a suspension of the use of pesticides linked to bee population decline. Despite substantial evidence linking neonicotinoid insecticides with the decline in bee populations the UK is likely to reject proposals from the European Commission which would suspend use of these pesticides […]

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On Monday the British government will join other EU countries in voting on a suspension of the use of pesticides linked to bee population decline.

Despite substantial evidence linking neonicotinoid insecticides with the decline in bee populations the UK is likely to reject proposals from the European Commission which would suspend use of these pesticides for two years to allow more research to take place.

Speaking on the BBC ahead of the decision, London’s Green Party MEP Jean Lambert said:

“Despite serious uncertainty about the impact of these pesticides on bees, the UK Government is considering rejecting the suspension of their use.

“Instead of defending the short-term interests of the agro-chemical industry, the British Government must prioritise reversing the decline in our bee populations and vote in favour of a moratorium to allow time for more research.”

“I urge the environment minister, Owen Paterson, to listen to his parliament’s own Environmental Audit Committee and to exercise the precautionary principle and support the proposed moratorium.”

The Commission’s proposal to suspend the use of three neonicotinoids came on the back of reports from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) on the risk to bees of the neonicotinoid insecticides.

For futher information, see the statements from EFSA  and the Environmental Audit Committee .

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UK scuppers EU ban on bee-killing pesticides Fri, 15 Mar 2013 23:42:01 +0000 A PROPOSED ban on pesticides linked to a collapse in Europe’s bee populations has been blocked by the UK and German governments. EU Agriculture ministers meeting in Brussels were due to adopt an EU-wide ban on the use of neonicitinoid pesticides today in light of growing scientific evidence that has linked their use with harm […]

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A PROPOSED ban on pesticides linked to a collapse in Europe’s bee populations has been blocked by the UK and German governments.

EU Agriculture ministers meeting in Brussels were due to adopt an EU-wide ban on the use of neonicitinoid pesticides today in light of growing scientific evidence that has linked their use with harm to bees – essential for pollination of food crops – and a Green Party initiative calling for a complete ban.

But the proposal has been rejected after UK and German representatives, amongst others, refused to give their support to the initiative.

London’s Green MEP Jean Lambert – who earlier this week joined Green MP Caroline Lucas and fellow Green MEP Keith Taylor in calling on the uK to support the proposed ban, said:

“Yet again the UK Government is blocking EU action to protect our environment, wildlife – and even the food we eat.

“Bee populations are declining across much of Europe: and, according to the scientists, this proposal could have helped avert the crisis facing our bees.

“But, yet again, the UK Government has blocked meaningful action, against the wishes of the vast majority of UK citizens – and MEPs – in order to protect the profits of the chemical industry who make millions from the sale of these pesticides.

“I now call upon the Commission to appeal this decision and take further action to protect not only bees but also our ability to produce our own food.”

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