TTIP – Jean Lambert MEP Green Member of the European Parliament for London Tue, 22 Nov 2016 14:02:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Briefing: Stop Toxic Trade Fri, 02 Sep 2016 15:16:08 +0000 2nd September 2016 Where do the damaging trade deals between the EU and Canada and the US stand now following the EU referendum vote? And what is the future for UK trade? These questions are addressed in this new briefing from Jean Lambert MEP ‘Stop Toxic Trade: After the EU referendum, what now for TTIP, CETA […]

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2nd September 2016

Where do the damaging trade deals between the EU and Canada and the US stand now following the EU referendum vote? And what is the future for UK trade? These questions are addressed in this new briefing from Jean Lambert MEP ‘Stop Toxic Trade: After the EU referendum, what now for TTIP, CETA and UK trade deals?’

Across Europe, campaigns to stop the EU-US trade deal TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) are having a big impact. And TTIP’s chances of success are further affected by the UK referendum outcome which creates more uncertainty for the future of TTIP.  This is an opportunity we must take advantage of to stop TTIP, Jean argues.

The proposed EU deal with Canada – known as CETA – is further advanced than TTIP, so it will set a precedent. Any terms agreed with Canada will be even more difficult to stop in the US deal or in future trade deals made by the UK government. CETA has to pass through the European Parliament and Greens are committed to vote against it. But, there is still a big job to do to defeat it and stop it coming into force.

As the UK moves to negotiate its own trade deals outside the EU in future, Greens will be pushing for it to continue to meet EU environmental standards and objectives and keep in place EU social rights and protections, as well as other progressive EU-derived legislation such as the cap on bankers’ bonuses and animal welfare standards. Importantly, we must fight against harmful provisions in all trade deals and work for just trade that transforms people’s lives for the better.

“As the UK moves towards leaving the EU, we must continue to build the international anti-TTIP movement, and to build opposition to any new unjust trade deals proposed by the UK Government. We must continue to push for trade justice in all trade agreements. Now more than ever,” writes Jean in the briefing.

Read the full briefing ‘Stop Toxic Trade: After the EU referendum, what now for TTIP, CETA and UK trade deals?’.

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Leaving the EU will not make the UK safe from TTIP Thu, 21 Jul 2016 15:46:37 +0000 21st July 2016 Across Europe, opposition to TTIP is having an impact. Since 3.3 million Europeans signed the ‘Stop TTIP’ European Citizens’ Initiative petition public resistance to the deal has continued to grow.  Talks on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership have been seriously delayed. More national governments are raising serious concerns. And this is before […]

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21st July 2016

Across Europe, opposition to TTIP is having an impact. Since 3.3 million Europeans signed the ‘Stop TTIP’ European Citizens’ Initiative petition public resistance to the deal has continued to grow.  Talks on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership have been seriously delayed. More national governments are raising serious concerns. And this is before we factor in the US elections later this year and the effect those could have on progress.

But, the threat that TTIP poses to jobs, environment protections, workers’ rights, animal welfare, generic medicine, digital rights, financial regulation and much more, remains. European Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström said recently she is prepared to make compromises to get the talks moving.

Greens have been at the forefront of efforts to defeat TTIP. Its proponents claim the agreement will ‘unlock’ trade potential but what they call ‘barriers to trade’ are actually regulations which protect social, environmental and labour standards and the provision of health and other public services.

Please do not be mistaken that leaving the EU will make the UK safe from TTIP. Free-market Leave supporters have said they want Britain to realise a ‘more ambitious’ and faster free trade deal with the US, and the UK was a cheerleader for TTIP within the EU. Outside the EU the UK is likely to press ahead immediately with aggressive trade deals and not hesitate to sign-up as an additional signatory to TTIP if it happens and it is possible to do that.

Outside the EU we must continue to look for ways to build the international anti-TTIP movement, and to build opposition to any new unjust trade deals proposed by the UK government.

The Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament will continue to work to block TTIP, as well as the equally dangerous deal with Canada, CETA (proposed as a possible model for the UK by some Leave campaigners).

Whether the UK intends to sign up to TTIP and other EU trade agreements in future, or tries to strike deals on its own, as Greens we must continue to fight for trade justice in all trade agreements. Now more than ever.

Jean Lambert MEP

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Jean Lambert MEP July E-News Sun, 17 Jul 2016 13:18:52 +0000 Jean’s July edition e-news has just been published and features post-EU Referendum analysis from Jean, an update on child refugees in Calais, Jean’s call to guarantee the rights of EU nationals living in the UK, and work by the European Parliament to ensure European countries fulfil their committments to people with disabilities. You can read it […]

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Jean’s July edition e-news has just been published and features post-EU Referendum analysis from Jean, an update on child refugees in Calais, Jean’s call to guarantee the rights of EU nationals living in the UK, and work by the European Parliament to ensure European countries fulfil their committments to people with disabilities. You can read it here.

To receive Jean’s monthly E-News please sign-up here.

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Jean Lambert MEP June E-News Mon, 27 Jun 2016 14:02:21 +0000 Jean’s latest e-news is out now and features Jean outlining why she’s voting to Remain in the EU come the 23rd June, a tribute to Jo Cox MP who was recently brutally murdered, a look at why the EU is important to animal welfare, and congratulations to Citizens UK for winning an EU prize for […]

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Jean’s latest e-news is out now and features Jean outlining why she’s voting to Remain in the EU come the 23rd June, a tribute to Jo Cox MP who was recently brutally murdered, a look at why the EU is important to animal welfare, and congratulations to Citizens UK for winning an EU prize for their tremendous work with refugees in Calais. Read it here.

To receive monthly updates about Jean’s work as London’s Green MEP please sign up here.

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Greens urge Obama to support EU citizens and small business, not TTIP Thu, 21 Apr 2016 10:56:49 +0000 April 20, 2016 Green MEPs are using the visit of President Obama to the UK to highlight the threats posed to Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) from TTIP, the planned EU-US trade deal. US President, Barak Obama, and Prime Minister, David Cameron, are due to discuss the controversial trade deal this weekend. Green MEPs […]

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April 20, 2016

Green MEPs are using the visit of President Obama to the UK to highlight the threats posed to Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) from TTIP, the planned EU-US trade deal. US President, Barak Obama, and Prime Minister, David Cameron, are due to discuss the controversial trade deal this weekend.

Green MEPs have long opposed TTIP, describing it as a ‘corporate charter’, and have been at the forefront of opposition in the European Parliament. They are echoing the demand of campaign group Business Against TTIP that the UK government and the European Commission stop the TTIP negotiations, and ensure instead that trade is regulated to the highest standards for people and the environment.

There are approximately 20 million SMEs across the EU, providing 67% of all jobs and contributing around €473 billion a year to the UK economy alone. Around five million of these SMEs in the UK are micro businesses, each employing less than nine employees but making up 96% of all businesses and 29% of the workforce. The highest density of SMEs are in London, closely followed by the South East and South West.

The UK’s Green MEPs from these three regions believe TTIP would enable some of the world’s biggest corporations to undermine EU social and environmental standards and grant them unprecedented powers to sue the UK government over new laws which affect their profits. Jean Lambert, Green MEP for London, said: ​“Small businesses are vital to Europe’s economy and society. In the UK SMEs ​account for almost half the ​country’s entire turnover and provide jobs for over 12 million people – more than 2 million of them in London. For the sake of our small businesses we need to stop TTIP and stop deregulating in the interests of transnational corporations. We need strong EU rules on public health, workers’ rights and the environment, and high quality regionally distinct goods and services, not a race to the bottom with the US.”

Molly Scott Cato, Green MEP for the South West, added: “In my own constituency of the South West, SMEs and micro businesses are demonstrating innovation and dynamism particularly in areas such as renewable energy technologies and food and farming. These initiatives boost the economy, generate employment and help keep money circulating locally. SMEs are also more likely to pay their taxes, while many giant corporations seem to do all they can to dodge paying their fair share. TTIP threatens a corporate free-for-all, creating unfair competition with SMEs and threatening jobs. The Commission’s own study predicts at least 680,000 job losses as a direct result of TTIP.”  

Keith Taylor, Green MEP for the South East, highlighted the lack of involvement of SMEs in TTIP negotiations:  “It is quite clear that TTIP is aimed at entrenching the dominance of corporations. SMEs have been totally squeezed out of the negotiations. Of 130 meetings with stakeholders, at least 119 were with large corporations and their lobby groups. This means that more than 93% of the meetings, so far, have been with big business. It’s little wonder that SMEs across the UK, let alone those in the South East, are worried; large corporations are effectively co-writing the TTIP agenda.”

However, the Green MEPs firmly reject the argument that TTIP is a good reason to vote to leave the EU. Molly Scott Cato said: “The Tories and many Leave campaigners are cheerleaders for deregulation and unfettered free trade, so it is clear the UK government would sign up to alternative trade deals as quickly as possible after Brexit. There is a strong campaign against TTIP across Europe and defeating this dangerous deal is most likely to come from within the EU. Almost three and a half million EU citizens have signed a Citizens Initiative calling for TTIP to be abandoned. There is huge momentum and the contribution from UK campaigners has been vital to the Stop TTIP campaign. Brexit would weaken the campaign and cast us adrift facing the prospect of even worse trade deals.”

The Green MEPs are calling on President Obama to use his visit to the UK not only to back the Remain campaign but also the millions of campaigners opposed to TTIP. Jean Lambert concluded: ​”​Obama can leave a lasting legacy in his final months in office by stopping this ​toxic trade deal. ​Ending the TTIP talks would show Obama is on the side of ordinary people, workers and small businesses in Europe, not only big business.”


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Divided parliament pass controversial TTIP resolution, but resistance continues Wed, 08 Jul 2015 13:49:23 +0000 08.07.2015 Following the postponed debate last month, MEPs had the opportunity to express their views today on the current negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) in a plenary session of the European Parliament. Under direct pressure from its President, Martin Schultz, the European Parliament has adopted its recommendations on the TTIP negotiations. […]

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Following the postponed debate last month, MEPs had the opportunity to express their views today on the current negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) in a plenary session of the European Parliament.

Under direct pressure from its President, Martin Schultz, the European Parliament has adopted its recommendations on the TTIP negotiations. Greens continue to oppose TTIP and remain particularly concerned about the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanism.

Responding straight after the vote, Jean said:

‘The EP has not taken a clear position against ISDS today. But this is not the last time we will vote on TTIP. EU citizens and civil society, as well as small and medium-sized businesses, public services and trade unions are increasingly aware of what’s at risk with this proposed Treaty: hard-fought-for standards.

‘There are many more reasons to oppose this deal, and so we must continue our fight to protect our public services and high standards against corporate attack for democracy, and for Europe’s citizens.’

The vote carried by the comfortable majority of the Grand Coalition 436 : 241 : 32

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Guardian letter: Transatlantic trade deal threatens democracy Thu, 11 Jun 2015 12:51:07 +0000 11.06.2015 The Guardian published a letter today from the 3 Green MEPs on the postponed TTIP vote in plenary session, Strasbourg this week.  You can read it on The Guardian’s website here MEPs were to vote on the controversial Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) on Wednesday but it was postponed at the last minute. […]

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The Guardian published a letter today from the 3 Green MEPs on the postponed TTIP vote in plenary session, Strasbourg this week.  You can read it on The Guardian’s website here

MEPs were to vote on the controversial Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) on Wednesday but it was postponed at the last minute. More than 200 amendments to the report were proposed, and for this reason Martin Schulz, president of the European parliament, called for it to be sent back to the trade committee for further consideration. Undoubtedly the huge public opposition to TTIP was a major influence on the decision.

Greens have long opposed this trade deal as little more than a corporate power grab and certainly not in the public interest. The volume of amendments put forward is an indication of the passion this deal has aroused, the political divisions it has opened up, and the degree of public opposition.

Of particular concern is the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanism, potentially allowing corporations to sue governments over any legislation or actions that threaten their profits. We do not believe corporations should have the right to challenge democratic decisions taken in the public interest which serve to safeguard our health, environment, social and labour standards. This is why Greens tabled an amendment calling explicitly for the exclusion of ISDS from TTIP.

A postponement on the opportunity to vote on this critical issue, of such concern to so many people, will not dampen our resolve to safeguard democratic decision-making and hard-fought-for standards.
Jean Lambert MEP
Molly Scott Cato MEP
Keith Taylor MEP
Green party

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Jean on TTIP vote postponement: “I’m shocked” Wed, 10 Jun 2015 15:02:06 +0000 10.06.2015 Today, a vote should have taken place in Strasbourg on the EP’s position on TTIP, including the issue of ISDS. Although Parliament’s resolution on the Commission position is not crucial at this stage, it was considered an indicative vote for the project’s success. Greens have consistently raised the alarm over the EU-US TTIP negotiations, which reflect […]

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Today, a vote should have taken place in Strasbourg on the EP’s position on TTIP, including the issue of ISDS. Although Parliament’s resolution on the Commission position is not crucial at this stage, it was considered an indicative vote for the project’s success.

Greens have consistently raised the alarm over the EU-US TTIP negotiations, which reflect undue corporate influence, despite claims to the contrary.

Many campaigners, such as War on Want and Global Justice Now, and others from across the EU, were in Strasbourg for today’s vote. However, at the 11th hour, late on Tuesday afternoon, Parliament’s President took the decision to postpone the vote on the basis of article 175 of the Rules of Procedure. He claimed that that the procedure was triggered due to the number of amendments, over 200, but this is not an automatic process – the President has discretion.

Given the divisions in his own political Group (S&D) on the subject of ISDS in particular, this looked like a way to buy time.

To compound the problem, this morning the Parliament decided by 183 votes in favour, 181 against, and 37 abstentions to postpone the debate as well – so we are not even talking about TTIP today.

Jean commented: ‘I am really shocked. I have been in this Parliament for years and cannot remember such a thing happening before, although it might have been tried. Greens voted to maintain the debate – the Tories, amongst others, voted to postpone it.

‘Are the Commission and national governments running scared, finally aware of the depth of feeling over this proposed Treaty? After all, there are now over 2 million signatures collected by a European Citizen’s Initiative which is heavily critical.’

Jean concluded:

‘Unable to ignore serious internal division in and between the larger political groups, the grand coalition is running scared. Denying us the right to raise the legitimate concerns of the electorate is a power game by the centre-right and it will only bolster the resolve of those opposed.

‘EU citizens and civil society, as well as small and medium-sized businesses, are increasingly aware of what’s at risk with this proposed Treaty: hard -fought-for standards. Postponing the debate was something that passed by 3 votes: that’s how much opposition to the EU-US negotiations has grown in the European Parliament. This is due to growing public pressure. The momentum on TTIP is clearly shifting – we need to keep the pressure up, if anything we have been given more time to raise awareness and apply pressure even further.’

A new date for the vote and debate has not been set.


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Building parliamentary majority to protect public services Wed, 01 Apr 2015 15:42:51 +0000 01/04/2015 The European Parliament’s Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) today adopted their opinion to the Committee on International Trade (INTA) resolution on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, known as TTIP. The following amendment, tabled by the UK’s 3 Green MEPs calling for the explicit exclusion of public services from the scope of […]

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The European Parliament’s Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) today adopted their opinion to the Committee on International Trade (INTA) resolution on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, known as TTIP. The following amendment, tabled by the UK’s 3 Green MEPs calling for the explicit exclusion of public services from the scope of TTIP was adopted :

 (iv a) to ensure an explicit exclusion of public services as referred to in Article 14 TFEU from the scope of application of TTIP, in order to ensure that national and local authorities have the freedom to introduce, adopt, maintain or repeal any measure with regard to the commissioning, organisation, funding and provision of public services, as provided in Article 168 TFEU (public health) and in Protocol 26 (Services of General Interest) of the EU Treaties.

Jean Lambert, Green MEP for London and a member of the EMPL committee said:

‘I’m conscious of the date and that TTIP could seem like a big April Fools’ being played on Europe’s citizens, unfortunately though it is serious and real. Today, the Committee voted against the inclusion of the Investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS), and in favour of excluding public services from TTIP. This is a base from which we can hopefully build a parliamentary majority to protect public services, like the NHS, from this trade agreement’.

Jean concluded:

‘Trade should not be seen as an end in itself but a way to protect global labour standards; and in particular to guarantee social, environmental, and workplace standards.’

Pressure from other Parliamentary groups, many of whom abstained from today’s vote, shows that the Greens are successfully fighting these damaging proposals within the Parliament.

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Beware the TTIP charm offensive Tue, 17 Mar 2015 19:37:23 +0000 Published in the letters page of today’s Guardian: The next few days will see a TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) charm offensive. Some EU leaders will make renewed PR efforts to flog this deal to the public and conclude negotiations by the end of the year. The Centre for Economic Policy Research estimates that […]

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Published in the letters page of today’s Guardian:

The next few days will see a TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) charm offensive. Some EU leaders will make renewed PR efforts to flog this deal to the public and conclude negotiations by the end of the year. The Centre for Economic Policy Research estimates that the EU’s combined GDP will be boosted by 0.5% in the ten years after TTIP’s implementation. Even if such projections are correct, what is lacking is a guarantee that any benefits would be evenly distributed, or benefit the poorest.

When 92% of those involved in consultations have been corporate lobbyists, citizens are right to suspect that TTIP will benefit corporations at the expense of democracy. MEPs must sign an agreement banning us from sharing any of the contents of “secret” papers with those we represent. There are many reasons to oppose this deal, but be aware of the pro-TTIP hype while we continue to keep up the pressure to have it dropped.
Jean Lambert MEP Green, London,

Keith Taylor MEP Green, South East England,

Molly Scott Cato MEP Green, South West England

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