Jean Lambert is the Green Group specialist on asylum and immigration. Her expertise is also recognised in the Committee on Civil Liberties and for this reason she was appointed as Rapporteur to the Parliament's latest Report on asylum - the first indication of the New European Parliament's position on asylum and immigration. Read on to find out more:







Opposite: Jean pictured second from left speaking at the asylum Hearing. Photo: European Parliament


The Report lays down some challenges to National Governments in the Council. We need to raise standards through the whole asylum process, this high standard shows that we recognise that the process is actually about peoples lives and dignity. Most refugees don't even reach the EU but for many that do we are genuinely dealing with cases of life and death not about inconvenient newspaper headlines.

Click here to read the briefing on Jean's Report which passed through the Committee on Civil Liberties and was put before the Parliament on 15 December 2004.

Original Commission Documents

The Asylum Report is based on two Commission proposals:

1. The first deals with internal asylum policy and how to manage claims in the EU. It aims to simplify and clarify existing measures so that they are better understood by all users.

Click here to see the original proposal

2. The second with external asylum policy and how to find sustainable solutions. It highlights that more support needs to be given to the country of origin.

Click here to see the original proposal


Parliament's Response

Jean's Report once agreed and voted upon formed Parliament's position. These are the key points.

KEY POINTS covered in the Report

  • Rejection of the setting up of camps in third countries such as those suggested in North Africa
  • Clarifying and improving quality of the procedure
  • Streamlining the process to prevent vulnerable applicants from being returned
  • Monitoring those that return to ensure reliability of decisions made
  • Investing of more and additional money
  • Collection of more reliable information on the country of origin
  • Better training

Click Here for Parliament's Briefing on Jean's Report


Following the narrow adoption of the Report in the Civil Liberties Committee, it was clear that there were still a wide range of views on asylum priorities.

To ensure that the Parliament debate was fully informed Jean invited Madelaine Garlic from UNHCR, Loris de Filippi from Medecins Sans Frontieres and Richard Williams from the European Council for Racial Equality to talk to Members about their experiences.

Coming soon - key points from each speaker.


On Tuesday 14th December Parliament Members had the opportunity to discuss key issues in the Report and to put forward the views held by their Group.

To read the full debate click here (soon all in English)


The Report was put before the whole of Parliament on 15th December. The narrow majority indicated at Committee stage increased dramatically as Parliament gave its support for the Report which was adopted by a majority of 321 votes in favour, 246 against and 13 abstentions.

Parliament clearly rejected the concept of controversial camps in the border regions of the EU with 449 Members agreeing with Jean that this Policy should not be followed

Encouragingly, Members also agreed that more attention should be paid to monitoring those people who have had their claim rejected to ensure that future vulnerable persons are not put in danger because what were thought to be safe countries are actually not.

Finally three articles emphasizing the problematic differences between the Directive on minimum standards for procedures and the qualification Directive were adopted, stressing the need for Parliament to be fully involved and to be re consulted if changes are made.

From left to right Richard Williams ECRE, Madelaine Garlic UNHCR, Jean Lambert MEP and Loris de Filippi Medecins Sans Frontieres. Photo European Parliament

Parliament's Final Position

Press Release from the Greens in the European Parliament

Press Release from the Office of Jean Lambert

Previous work done by Jean Lambert on this issue