21st - 25th July 2003

London’s Green MEP, Jean Lambert, will be visiting community recycling projects in the capital this week to recognise the efforts of local organisations in reducing waste and to develop a better understanding of waste issues facing London’s communities.

Mrs Lambert has been actively involved in campaigns across London to reduce the city’s dependence on landfill and incineration by encouraging recycling and waste minimisation.

The recycling roadshow will include visits to a wide range of organisations including waste recycling plants, furniture recycling charities, computer recycling organisations, clothing manufacturers and a ‘green bottle’ arts group.

Mrs Lambert said: “The UK has one of the worst recycling records in Europe. That’s why it is heartening to see small community organisations, such as these, striving to minimise the amount of waste in London and protect our local environment.”

“Many of these organisations are helping London, not only through recycling, but also by creating employment opportunities for unemployed or disadvantage members of their community.”

“These community recycling projects are invaluable. I am looking forward to being inspired by these projects and hope to gain a better understanding of waste issues affecting the city.”

Jean will be visiting the following schemes:

Toynbee Hall Community Centre in Tower Hamlets
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Jean with Toynbee Hall's Community Safety Development Officer Georgina Brewis

Shaftesbury Resource Centre in Southwark
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Green Bottle Unit in Hackney
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Jean's hands-on tour of the Green Bottle Unit

London Recycling Ltd in Newham
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TRAID (Clothes from recycling) in Brent
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Jean joined Brent and Harrow Green Party member Brian Orr at TRAID

Computer Aid in Islington
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From left: Jon Nott, GLA Green candidate for North East, and Adrian Oliver from Camden Green Party, with Computer Aid's Jaf Shah and Jean


For more information please contact Ben Duncan on 020 7407 6280, 07973 823358 or at