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* GLA Energy Strategy conference: Jean Lambert and Victor Anderson (Green member of the GLA) co-hosted a conference at City Hall taking a critical look at the GLA's draft energy strategy. Read more

* GATS seminar:
Jean was represented at a seminar on how the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) threatens public services and democracy.

Further information on the GATS campaign
Read Jean's briefing on GATS

* Jean met with Ealing's Polish Catholic community at their Civic Mass, at Mayor of Ealing's invitation.

* Jean joined National demonstration against war on Iraq:
The National Demonstration on 28th September against the threat of war against Iraq was jointly organised by the Stop the War Coalition and the Muslim Association of Britain and supported by many organisations and individuals, including Jean Lambert. Jean attended the rally at Hyde Park under her local party, Waltham Forest Green Party, banner.

Download the Green Party Press release

* Green Party Conferences:
Jean attended both the AGM of the London Federation of Green Parties and the Green Party National Conference in September.

Jean answered questions from the Federation members during their Question Time. She also supported Lancaster Green Party's event on asylum and refugees which was held during Party Conference in Lancaster.

Jean with Professor John Whitelegg, Green Party candidate for the Lancaster and Wyre constituency, at the asylum and refugee public meeting organised by Lancaster Green Party 14th September 2002
Jean with Robin Harper MSP at Green Party conference following their fringe on the Earth Summit at Green Party conference. Other contributors to the event were Caroline Lucas, MEP, and Matt Wooton, Green Party member.

Download the Green MEP briefing on the Earth Summit


* Jean gives keynote speech at the Launch of the LoTUS 2000 Best Practice Guide - "Urban edge or Leading edge - lessons from LoTUS 2000+" - at the Thames Barrier Park.

Read speech
Read about the Lotus 2000 project


* Jean calls for justice for Waltham Forest allotment tenants: Jean supported Waltham Forest allotment tenants in their call for justice against a private company and local government. Press release

Jean pictured below with Colin Bowen of the Higham Hill Allotment Committee.


* Jean speaks out against proposed aiport expansion in London

Press release 24th July 2002
Press release 16th July 2002

* Jean to address at asylum and immigration meeting:
Jean spoke at a meeting organised by Waltham Forest Green Party on Asylum and Immigration. Press release

* Jean hosts student fact-finding mission to Brussels:
Two students have returned from visiting the European Parliament in Brussels for a 4 day fact-finding visit organised by the Institute for Citizenship and hosted by Jean Lambert. Press release

* Jean supports Mayors in 'town-twinning' declaration:
Jean joined the Mayors of Ealing and Bielany in Warsaw, Poland, on Friday July 5 to witness the final signature on a town twinning declaration between the two boroughs. Press release

* Jean joins Green Agaist Globalisation demonstration:
Jean joined Green Against Globalisation in their picket outside the DTI. The demonstration was in solidarity with another large demonstration that was being held in Geneva against GATS, because of the June 30 deadline for countries to request services to be offered for GATS from other countries.

Jean presented a letter to Patricia Hewitt calling on the UK Government to call a halt to GATS negotiations until there is full open public debate on the implications of GATS for local service provision. Press release

* Jean celebrates Kurdish New Year: Jean joined Penny Kemp, chair of the Green Party Executive, in speaking to over 10,000 people for the Kurdish New Year celebration at Finsbury Park.

Photo: Jean, Penny and Feleknas Uca, a Kurdish MEP from Germany
Photo: Jean on the platform

* Jean speaks at the Redbridge Community Development Agency's conference on the environment.

*Asylum and immigration investigation:
Jean visited community projects in the boroughs of Camden, Hackney and Haringey in February at the start of an investigation on behalf of the Civil Liberties Committee in the European Parliament. She was preparing a report aimed at guaranteeing humane treatment for refugees and asylum seekers across Europe.

Programme of visits


Jean talks with the Kurdish/Turkish community groups at the Halkevi Centre in Hackney




* European Roma Federation Protest: Jean sends message of support to Europe-Roma and the European Roma Federation protests on UN Human Rights Day in London

* Greater London Association of TUC: Jean spoke at this meeting on the Green party's perspective on globalization. This Association represents London's 28 trade union councils with a total affiliated membership of about 350,000.

* Stop Esso Day:
Jean joins London Greens picketting Esso petrol stations

Jean speaking at the Stop Esso Day

*Conflict: Download Jean's speech 'How Governments Should React In Times Of Conflict'. Speech to the Conscience AGM, 13th October 2001

























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