
Jean Lambert - London's Green MEP









Here you can download a selection of Jean's speeches on various UK and European issues. They are sorted in date order.

To see speeches by issue area, go to the ISSUES section of the website.


Speech to Plenary on Economic Migration, October 2005

Speech to Plenary on Procedures in Member States for Granting and Withdrawing Refugee Status, September 2005

Speech to Plenary on Liberty and Security, September 2005

Speech to Plenary on Dialogue with Churches and Non-Denominational Organisations, September 2005

Speech to Greens in Denmark on "Social Europe", September 2005

Speech to IHRAAM in Geneva on Rape as a War Crime, August 2005

Working Time Speech to Plenary, May 2005

Speech to the Plenary on the McCartney Murder, May 2005

Keynote Speech at EQUAL ASSET/Refugee Council Conference, March 2005

Speech to the Plenary on Social Security, March 2005

Jean's Comment on Banning the Swastika, February 2005

Speech to the Plenary on Anti-Semitism on the 60th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz, January 2005

Speech to the International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation Conference in Barcelona on Diasporas, January 2005

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Speech to the Plenary on Human Rights in the Democratic Republic of Congo, December 2004

Speech to the Plenary on the Eve of her Report on Asylum Procedures, December 2004

Speech to the European Anti Poverty Network General Assembly, November 2004

Speech to the Plenary (Council) on the Lisbon and Hague Procedures, November 2004

Interview with Greek media re Common Asylum and Immigration Policy

Speech at the national launch of the Refugee Project House of Commons, June 2004

Speech to the Women's Institute AGM in favour of their motion on the trafficking of women and children (June 2004)

"Belmarsh is Britain's Guantanamo" - speech outside Belmarsh prison (April 2004)

Speech to the Plenary on the Eve of her Report on Social Security Schemes, April 2004

Speech to the Plenary on Air Passenger Data, March 2004

Speech to the Plenary on Social Security Schemes and Free Movement, March 2004

Speech to the Plenary on UK Detainees at Guantanamo Bay, March 2004

IMPRINT-EUROPE Conference speech on Pricing Reform in Transport (February 2004)

Speech to the Plenary on Working Time, February 2004

Speech to the Plenary on Immigration, Integration and Employment, January 2004

Speech to the Plenary on Services of General Interest, January 2004

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Speech on "Migrant Workers: Who benefits" - contribution to UNA conference on the Protection of the Migrant Workers and Members of their Families (December 2003) (download conference report)

Speech to LVSTC AGM on Social Inclusion, Employment and Environment - the role of training (December 2003)

Speech to Age Concern London on "Making Age Work for London (December 2003)

Speech to "Stop Bush Demonstration" outside Buckingham Palace (November 2003)

Speech to the European Federation of Green Parties on Corporate Social Responsibility (November 2003)

Speech to plenary regarding the vote on her report on Regulation 1408/41: coordination of social security systems across Member States (September 2003)

Speech the Newham Anti-Homophobic Partnership: ANTI-HOMOPHOBIA IN THE EU (July 2003)

Speech to the Campaign Against Climate Change "End of the World" rally: GLOBAL WARMING (March 2003)

Speech to National Stop the War Demonstration - NO TO WAR IN IRAQ (February 2003)

Speech to Parliament: Preparation for the 2003 Spring summit (February 2003)

Speech to Parliament: Entry and residence of third-country nationals for paid employment and self-employed economic activity (February 2003)

Speech to Parliament: Health care and care for the elderly (January 2003)

Speech to Parliament: Basic rights in the European Union (January 2003)

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Speech to Parliament: The future of pension systems (December 2002)

Contribution to one day seminar 'How UK Foreign Investment Creates Asylum Seekers'
(December 2002): Export Credit Guarantees and the Displacement of People

Speech during the plenary debate on the Seville Summit (June 2002)

Speech to Parliament: SOCIAL INCLUSION (June 2002)

Speech to Parliament: CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (May 2002)


Speech to Parliament: Second United Nations World Assembly on Ageing (April 2002)

Speech to Parliament: National strategies for safe and sustainable pensions (April 2002)

Speech to Parliament: Asylum applications: Revision of the Dublin Convention (April 2002)

'Explanation of Vote' on "Minimum standards for reception conditions of asylum seekers"(April 2002)

Speech at the Conference to Defend Asylum Seekers AGM: PROTECTING ASYLUM SEEKERS (March 2002)

Speech at the European Parliament screening of "Injustice": Police Brutality (March 2002)

Speech to Parliament: The legal base for the inclusion of 3rd Country Nationals under Regulation 1408/71 (March 2002)

Statement in Parliament: Modernisation of the regulation on the free movement of persons (Regulation 1408/71) (March 2002)

Speech in plenary: The Barcelona Summit (February 2002)

Lessons From The Ilisu Dam Campaign: Speech at the House of Commons (January 2002)

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GENOA TO LAEKEN (December 2001)

Speech to plenary debate on the Asylum and Immigration policy (October 2001)

Speech to the World University Service: REFUGEES AND THE ENVIRONMENT (October 2001)

Speech To The Conscience AGM: How Governments Should React In Times Of Conflict (October 2001)

Speech on The Swansea Waste Incinerator (September 2001)

Speech to Plaid Cymru Conference (September 2001)

Speech to the 2001 World Conference against A & H Bombs, Japan (August 2001)

Speech about the US Government decision not to ratify Kyoto Protocol (July 2001)

Statement In Parliament: Sustainability Debate - On The Opinion Of The ESA Committee (May 2001)

Statement In Parliament: Intervention In The Sri Lanka Debate (May 2001)

Statement On Exxon-Mobil Boycott (May 2001)

Women And Parity Representation (March 2001)

Speech on Flooding and Climate Change (February 2001)

Statement in Parliament: Resolution on Pakistan (February 2001)

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Statement on the European Structural Funds (ESF) (December 00)

Statement on Climate Change (November 00)

Speech to the Human Rights International: CHILDREN'S RIGHTS (September 2000)

Speech to the Waltham Forest Consortium of Asian People with Disabilities Launch (June 00)

Speech to Parliament: Common asylum policy for the EU (June 00)

Speech to Parliament: Working Time Directive (May 00)

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