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Jean Lambert London's Green MEP

Jean supports Arctic Declaration

Jean holding the International Declaration on the Future of the Arctic


Jean’s statement in support of the International Declaration on the Future of the Arctic:

“There is only one Arctic and it is severely threatened by climate change. Addressing Arctic melt and sea level rise must be an urgent priority – to save the Arctic and prevent runaway climate change. This affects the four million people living in the Arctic, but is also affects its unique biodiversity and ecosystems. Drilling in the Arctic must be banned. Oil spills can cause devastation and increasing oil production will accelerate climate change. The Arctic is also threatened by expanding shipping routes, which will increase black carbon emissions, and by industrial fishing which will undermine marine ecosystems. For these reasons the Arctic needs urgent international protection.

I’m pleased to add my voice to so many others in support of the International Declaration on the Future of the Arctic – to make this protection real.”

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