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Jean Lambert London's Green MEP

TTIP Public Consultation on Investor-state Settlement Schemes



The Commission of the European Union presented an analysis of the outcome of a public consultation today, January 13th, on the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanism in the proposed EU-US trade and investment partnership, known as TTIP. Over 150,000 people responded to the consultation with most respondents raising fundamental concerns with the proposed legislation. Over 50 000 replies were from the UK.

Jean Lambert, Green MEP for London said:

‘This public opposition won’t go away, and opposition is only rising the more people find out about these proposals. Multinational corporations cannot be allowed to reduce standards and hard fought for regulations across a range of policies including environmental and labour standards. ISDS moves legal disputes between corporations and governments away from the public area of the Courts to the secrecy of tribunals and is not to be promoted.’

Greens in the European Parliament have consistently opposed TTIP – ISDS is just one reason.