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Jean Lambert London's Green MEP

European Greens back British Green Jean for Parliament President

15th December 2016

Jean Lambert, the Green MEP for London, has today been selected as the Greens’ candidate for President of the European Parliament.

Jean will be the only British MEP contesting the position. Elections for a new President, to replace the outgoing German Socialist Martin Schulz, will take place in January.

The announcement came as EU officials snubbed Theresa May at a summit in Brussels today.

Commenting on her nomination, Jean said: “I am honoured to have the support of the Greens/EFA group to stand as their candidate for the presidency of the European Parliament.

“This election comes at a crucial moment, both for the European Parliament and for the entire European Union, and I will be a candidate to defend the core values on which the EU was founded and to represent a more equal society. I believe the Parliament needs a more human, less bureaucratic face and to connect more with citizens – the UK referendum result shows this is something long overdue.

“I believe I am well-placed to explain the importance of what we have built in the EU and the role it can have as a bastion of human rights and action on climate change in this world that faces so many challenges, from climate change, to growing inequality and instability.

“Greens believe the UK should continue to have a close relationship with its European neighbours. The support of Greens from across Europe for a British candidate is a symbol of the ongoing partnership approach we want to see between Britain and the rest of the EU.”

Jean was elected to the European Parliament in 1999 and has served four consecutive terms. She has been long record of working against poverty and discrimination and for sustainability and human rights.

The President of the European Parliament presides over the debates and activities of the European Parliament. ​The President represents the Parliament within the EU and internationally. The ​P​resident’s signature is required for enacting most EU laws and the EU budget. Presidents serve two-and-a-half-year terms.